i downloaded the crack fix, and it fixed it crashing when saving, but now it crashes randomly. It doesnt crash when saving anymore but sometimes il be walking around and it will just crash 5 几年前 Its_RubenXD is the crackfix in the document when you unpack all the .zip files 隐藏回...
Hey my game is crashing at final test "Enable Ejector Seat" as soon as i enable it game crash. Any help? 3 几年前 bruhchain Do I have to download and install all updates or can I just install the latest one? 3 几年前 bruhchain I tried to update from...
The game keeps on freezing up, I need to ALT TAB and close the game every so often. Plus I get random crashes for no apparent reason... All other games dont freeze. nVidia driver 362.00 Anyone else experiencing this? Well DX12 would *always* freeze on the opening boat tutorial mission ...