The model of domestic trials supported by a supranational body overseeing and approving prosecutions is, he suggests, one that could usefully be adopted in international criminal law. He argues that there are useful precedents to be found in the Commission's legal analyses for the prosecution of...
Was the brutal dictator of the 20th century the masked instrument of a double image delusion? Recently released war records reveal political decoys (doppelgangers or body-doubles). It is documented that the Nazi Fuhrer vetted at least four doubles.
Many psychopaths enjoy this form of seduction because it naturally combines physical pleasure with control over another person’s body and emotions. But the etymological root of “seduction” signifies, more broadly, “to lead away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct.” In this sense...
This was changed after the Norman Invasion to the deodand, derived from the Latin phrase deo dandum meaning "to be given to God." A deodand was a thing forfeited to God and made ownerless because it had caused someone's death. If a tree or haystack fell on someone and killed them, th...
In the whole parody series, Fegelein is the only character with an immortal body, making him immune against any kind of weapons. Ironically, in the video "Reichstation", Fegelein was shown killed by Hitler's Pencil of Doom. However, he was later resurrected without saying "Heil Hitler" ...
Every choice that everybody makes effects what happens to us and deciding to be Jewish had a lot of consequences back in the 1940s. Millions of Jews died all because of the one decision that Hitler made. The killing of Jews ended up leading to the killing of 24 million other people. In...
Graf shielded Hitler with his body, received several bullet wounds, and possibly saved Hitler’s life during the Beer Hall Putsch on 09-11-1923. Graf recovered, and rejoined the Nazi Party after Hitler was freed from prison and died age 71 on 03-03-1950. SS Hauptsturmführer Karl Wilhelm...
She had a full time caretaker/trainer,Sergeant Fritz Tornow. He was still in the Führerbunker in Berlin after Hitler's death, and was captured by the Russians. Blondi with Tornow Blondi in a Tree The photos of Blondi below were taken in Winniza (or Vinnytsia), Ukraine, when Hitler was...
(whotraveled back in timewith the rest of theLeagueto defeat Vandal), while searching Vandal's headquarters, discovers a cryogenic-preservation pod with Hitler's frozen body in it. When Vandal is seemingly killed byGreen Lanternwhile leading a massive air invasion force against America, his ...
The accumulated evidence now provides definite odontologic proof that Hitler did in fact die, and that the Russians did indeed recover and autopsy the right body. The details are far too myriad and involved to go into here, but claims that parts of the evidence on which this finding is base...