Boards & Designs (1) Entwicklungstools (1) Eingebettete Software (6) Services (5) Boards & Designs Boards & Designs Hitex design house, embedded systems and security products & solutions Hitex Premium Partner Read More Product support: MOTIX™ Embedded Power ICs (System-on-Chip), AURIX safet...
Modern vehicles require numerous small motors distributed throughout the vehicle. Infineon's Embedded Power ICs support this trend by integrating multiple system functions into a single chip. This integration scales down electric control units (ECUs) while maintaining superior motor control, achieving comp...
Infineon's AURIX microcontrollers excel in demanding embedded projects with high performance, predictable real-time behavior, and low power consumption. Offering up to three TriCore CPUs, competitive features, and specialized peripherals, they are the top choice across diverse application domains. ...
Keil PK51 is the industry-standard toolchain for all 8051-compatible devices. it supports classic 8051, Dallas 390, NXP MX, extended 8051 variants as well as C251 devices. The μVision IDE and debugger interfaces to the Infineon DAVE code generation tool. ...
Produkte von Hitex GmbH, Starter Kits, Adapter, Debugger, Compiler, in-circuit Emulatoren und mehr.
嗨, 如果可能,請使用 Hitex SB TC 375 的引腳對應器更改引腳序列埠。 我嘗試將 ASCLIN3 串列埠更改為 USB com 連接埠的 FTDI 晶片,預設引腳 15.7 TX、32.2 RX 更改為 15.6 TX、15.7 RX。 使用引腳映射器更改後,新的引腳
从2003年开始,Hitex与英飞凌公司(Infineon Technologies AG)联合,这次联合保证了Hitex公司拥有一个健康发展的未来。虽然已隶属于英飞凌公司,但Hitex公司仍可以独立公司的身份,保持和扩展与其它半导体生产商存在的长期的合作关系,如ST、德州仪器(TI)、松下半导体(National Semiconductors)等。Hitex公司与...
谁已经在使用 Hitex Shieldbuddy TC 375。 是否可以将 ASC3 FTDI USB 端口映射到 SerialASC 引脚 15.7 TX、引脚 32.2 Rx 和其他引脚。 这是我的映射代码: //*** ***/ /* 使 ASC 转到 pin18(TX2) 和 pin19 (RX2) 而不是 FTDI USB 端口 */ void MapAsc3ToRx2Tx2(...
Infineon’s AURIX™ family of microcontrollers serves the precise needs of the automotive industry in terms of performance and safety. The innovative multicore architecture, based on up to three independent 32-bit TriCore™ CPUs,
The DprobeXC is an in-circuit emulator for Infineon's XC16x microcontroller family. It's based on Infineon's Emulation Device (ED), an emulated version of the microcontroller that enables analysis of otherwise invisible processes within the chip.ARM Techcon...