The most important high-tech sampling collection “HiTECH NINJA SAMPLES vol.4” by “lapix” who continues to run at the top of the high-tech scene, “Hitech Ninja”, is here! Delivered in the highest volume in the series! !! Just stay out of the gate! The high-tech sound, which ...
The most important high-tech sampling collection “HiTECH NINJA SAMPLES vol.4” by “lapix” who continues to run at the top of the high-tech scene, “Hitech Ninja”, is here! Delivered in the highest volume in the series! !! Just stay out of the gate! The high-tech sound, which ...
WAV | 1.14 GB “HiTECH Synth Loops Vol.1”是“lapix”的珍贵高科技合成器采样合集,“lapix”继续在高科技领域保持领先地位,又名“HiTECH Ninja”。 这是之前的一对 HiTECH 低音循环! 正好出了门! 堪称忍者秘书的高科技合成音大方发布! 无需解释,它将成为舞曲制作的直接力量,更不用说高科技了。 ! 对于...
lapix HiTECH NINJA SAMPLES HiTECH Bass Loops Vol.1 WAV 【こちらの商品は楽曲データではなく楽曲制作等に使用するサンプラング集(音の素材)になっております。ご购入の际はご注意くださいませ。】「ハイテック忍者」ことハイテックシーンのトプを走り続け る「lapix」による超秘蔵ハイテック...
Hitech Ninja lapix teams up hot Sampling pack specializing in scratch sound “HiTECH NINJA SAMPLES Scratch Junkie” Bomb here! Those who want a cool scratch sound! Those who want a nice sound that can reach the itchy place! Anyway, those who love the sound of scratch (junky)! Absolutely ...
lapix HiTECH NINJA SAMPLES Vol 3 WAV 继续奔跑在高科技界的顶峰“Hitech Ninja”的“lapix”最重要的高科技采样合集“HiTECH NINJA SAMPLES vol.3”来了! 只是留在门外!应该称得上忍术秘籍的高科技声音大方放出!无需解释,它将成为舞曲制作的直接力量,更不用说迷幻了。!!高科技全面,迷幻 对忍者和 DTM 初学...