Infinitesimal deformations of Hitchin pairs and Hitchin map We identify dglas that control infinitesimal deformations of the pairs\n(manifold, Higgs bundle) and of Hitchin pairs. As a consequence, we recover\nknown descriptions of first order deformations and we refine known results on\nobstructi.....
Recently, E.Martinengo obtained results on obstructions to deformations of Higgs pairs by describing an L-infinity morphism inducing the Hitchin map. In this note we show that analogous results hold for principal G-Higgs bundles, where G is a complex reductive group. We show that the L-infinit...
Tips on Photographing Sunsets and Sunrises Astronomical RefractionToday's Moon in Hitchin Set7時24分 308°NW Rise15時42分 55°NE Percent Illuminated: 98.9% Time: 13時05分 Altitude: -15° Direction: 23°NNE ↑ Position: Moon under horizon The Moon's path in Hitchin today. The horizontal lin...
Venue C658,Shuangqing Complex Building A Abstract We review the recent progress on Chen-Ngo's conjecture on the image of Hitchin map of moduli stack of Higgs bundles over higher dimensional projective manifolds. During the lectures, th...
Given any line bundle L of positive degree, on a compact Riemann surface, let$M_L^\\\Lambda$ be the moduli space of L-twisted Higgs pairs of rank 2 with fixeddeterminant isomorphic to $\\\Lambda$ and traceless Higgs field. We give adescription of the singular fibre of the Hitchin map...
generalviewonwhatgeometryshouldberegardedas.Itwassomewhatcontroversial atthetimeandinfacthespokeonsomethingdifferentforhislecture,butthepoint ofviewisstillcalledtheErlangerProgramm.Kleinsawgeometryas: thestudyofinvariantsunderagroupoftransformations. Thisthrowstheemphasisonthegroupratherthanthespace,andwashighlyin...
-algebrainthesenseof2.6.Ontheotherhand,theD X -moduleVac X correspondingtotheAutO-moduleVac by2.6.5hasanaturalstructureof chiralalgebra(seetheRemarkbelow).Themapz g (O) X →Vac X induced bytheembeddingz g (O)→Vac isachiralalgebramorphism.Givenapoint x∈XonedefinesafunctorA→A ((x)) fr...
We give a description of the singular fiber of the Hitchin map on the moduli space of L-twisted Higgs pairs of rank 2 with fixed determinant bundle, when the corresponding spectral curve has any singularity of type Am−1. In particular, we prove directly that this fiber is connected.[ ...
Very stable bundles and properness of the Hitchin mapdoi:10.1007/S10711-018-0333-6Christian PaulyAna Peón-NietoSpringer Netherlands
We construct moduli spaces of semistable Hitchin pairs on a reducible projective curve Y. When X is the normalization of Y, we give a birational morphism f from the moduli space ℳ of good GPH on X to the moduli space ℋ of Hitchin pairs on Y and show that the Hitchin map on ...