APERTO Lucent是日立的MRI设备中的单柱开放式磁共振设备。 开放的外形特点提供了与封闭式MRI不同的检查环境,为医患配合检查提供了良好环境条件。 在外形设计方面尽量多地考虑患者的舒适性,这正是日立MRI设计的重要理念。开放式设计由于支柱的位置远离磁场中心,机架内宽敞明亮。采用的柔和机身色调充分考虑到配合扫描时的...
Hitachi provides a full line up of MRI systems from open MRI systems to 3T super conducting MRI systems. With a concept of Patient Friendly Hitachi has developed the less claustrophobic examining space which has been accepted by customers widely. Jansen is a leading manufacturer of both permanent...
Intra-operative Guidance with Real-time Information of Open MRI and Manipulators using Coordinate-integration module Medical Imaging 2003 pp.653-660 Feb.2003 Abstract Data Types Can Have Inequations Formal Aspects of Computing 14 pp.369-399 2003 Use of Montgomery Trick in Precomputation of Multi-Sca...
The article focuses on Hitachi Medical Systems magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners, which were rated number one by the first quarter (Q1) 2014 MD Buyline User Satisfaction Ratings Report. Topics...
Hitachi 是基础设施即服务 (iaas), 平台即服务 (paas), 应用基础设施与中间件, 分析与建模, 网络安全和隐私, 和 无人机等工业物联网科技方面的供应商,总部位于日本. Hitachi 致力于化学品, 建筑与基础设施, 电网, 设备与机械, 金融与保险, 医疗保健和医院, 石油和天然气,
(open type) MRI device200of the vertical magnetic field type, in which the magnet is separated into upper and lower magnets in order to increase spaciousness. FIG. 1C shows an MRI device300, which is a tunnel shape MRI device like the device shown in FIG. 1A, provided that a leaned ...
An MRI system using an open type magnet, wherein two coils different in radius for generating gradient magnetic fields in a vertical direction are arranged in the open ty
This image processing technology was applied to X-CT and MRI in medicine later on. Systems Approach to Computing Dependability In and Out of Hitachi 333 2.3 In 1980s In 1980s, the mini-computer steeply improved its size, number of component, performance, and cost in addition to reliability....
MAX HIT for CIRCLE , l.DQO■mm1.600mmmriiTOOL DIAMOREMOREMORE1.600 mm2.500 mmMAX HIT l.DQO ■mm 1.600 mm mrii TOOL DIA MORE MORE MORE 1.600 mm 2.500 mm MAX HIT UNDER I jiOQO HU UNDER I goo HIT I 500 HIT 舉例來說,設定踏針壽命上限値時,在工具働牛畫面針對1‘5网鑽針即使壽命設定...
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