型号:PS7050 HITACHI 电源模件 类型:紫外线传感器 制作工艺:薄膜 输出信号:数字型 材质:聚合物 材料物理性质:半导体 度:99.9% 灵敏度:98.9% 重复性:99.9% 工作温度:100℃ 额定电压:240V 密封性:2 线性度:22 迟滞:22 漂移:2 加工定制:是 温度:100 ...
Launch of the AFM5000II Scanning Probe Microscope Controller and the PS3500DDII Sequential High resolution ICP-OESIntroduction stability of an atomized sample is enhanced through an improved sampleintroduction system. As a result, repeatability is doubled compared to our conventionalinstruments, which ...