F-7000, a Fluorecence Spectrophotometer is designed to meet your needs for high-quality analytical instrumentation. Hitachi's superior fluorescence technology has created a new generation of fluorescence sectrophotometers.
F-7000, a Fluorecence Spectrophotometer is designed to meet your needs for high-quality analytical instrumentation. Hitachi's superior fluorescence technology has created a new generation of fluorescence sectrophotometers.
The Hitachi F-7000 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer with accessories allows for calculation of the fluorescence quantum yield of a solid sample from measurements. The high-level basic functions of the F-7000, such as high sensitivity at S/N 800 or more and a dynamic range up to the sixth or hig...
Application Notes: Fluorescence Spectrophotometers (FL) Solid Sample MeasurementSolid Sample Measurement Application Overview Optical measurement of solid samples, powder samples or highly concentrated solutions can be achieved. The accessory is designed to prevent the spectra reflection from the sample surface...
荧光分光光度计 F-7000 荧光分光光度计 F-2700 产品活动信息 分光光度计 (UV-Vis/NIR) 相关信息 分析仪器·电子显微镜·原子力显微镜:400-898-1021 *关注日立科学仪器,了解更多仪器产品信息 生化分析仪:010-65908700 *关注「日立诊断」微信公众号,了解更多仪器产品信息...
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7000 Achieves wavelength scanning with sensitivity and ultra high-speed at the highest level of the class! Ultra high-speed scanning has made possible three-dimensional time change measurement, capable of following time-dependent changes of the spectrum. The system’s wi...
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7100 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7000 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-2700 Contact Us Contact us for more details. Products & Services Spectrophotometers (UV-Vis/NIR, FL) Contact Us Contact Us Previous Page
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7100 Language Hitachi' s Superior Fluorescence Technology has created a new generation of fluorescence spectrometers. F-7100 is the evolution of the robust and reliable F-7000 with the latest optical technology and improved analytical performance. "Best-in-Class" ...
相对于吸收光谱法可以测定照射光的减少,荧光分析法则因为可以观察到发光,因此,照射到的光与测定到的光的波长是不同的。 与吸收光谱法相比,荧光分析法具有检测灵敏度更高(在低浓度条件下检测),获取信息更多(可获取激发光谱和荧光光谱)的优势。 然而,荧光光度计光学部件(如灯等)所特有的波长...