hitachi energy日立能源(原ABB电网)是全球领先的能源技术企业,专注于构建清洁能源系统,助力全球低碳发展。公司业务覆盖140多个国家,总部位于瑞士,在中国市场拥有深厚根基,并取得多项里程碑式成就。以下从公司概况、全球布局、中国市场表现等维度展开说明。 一、公司概况与全球业务 日立能源是全球...
RED670 IED 具有相位隔离电流差动保护功能,对高电阻故障具有出色的灵敏度,并为多达 5 个线路端子提供安全的相位选择。两绕组或三绕组电力变压器可以包括在保护区内。Relion– 完全自信 线路差动保护 RED670 IED 属于 Relion 保护和控制产品系列。Relion产品系列为电力系统的保护、控制、测量和监督提供了最广泛的产品。
Hitachi Energy is pioneering innovative thinking, new ways of working, and breakthrough digital technologies to enable the transition to a new global energy system, one that’s more sustainable, flexible, and secure. Created in 2020 by the acquisition of ABB Power Grids by Hitachi, the company’...
Hitachi ABB Power Grids As the energy sector experiences unprecedented changes, with markets expanding across the value chain and technologies and concepts constantly evolving, Hitachi Energy (HAPG) is continuously looking for solutions to provide sustainable energy resources, such as Hydrogen. Hydrogen ...
Hitachi Energy se ha asociado con Navex Global para proporcionar soluciones de aprendizaje electrónico a nuestros empleados y partes interesadas externas. Si ha recibido un correo electrónico, este es un correo electrónico legítimo de nuestro proveedor ...
Our RTU560 is the perfect solution for various applications for automation and control. The migration solution allows you to retrofit your secondary equipment with reduced investment. The combination of parallel wired I/Os, serial links and IEC 61850 is efficiently feasible with our RTU560 allowing ...
With Celonis Process Intelligence, Hitachi Energy brings end-to-end transparency into their supply chain and Procure-to-Pay to save thousands of hours, drive automation and get fit for the future.
Hitachi Energy - Advancing a sustainable energy future for all We are advancing the world's energy system to be more sustainable, flexible and secure. Learn more Advancing a sustainable energy future for allStrengthening the power system $250 million USD investment to address global transformer ...
Il lavoro di Hitachi Energy è tutt'altro che finito. "C'è ancora tanto da fare con ServiceNow e Impact, ad esempio, una delle nostre priorità per il 2023 è quella di distribuire Strategic Portfolio Management", conclude Oliver. "Siamo certi che nel lungo periodoImpact ci consentirà ...
The challenge Hitachi Energy were on a journey to become technologically independent. Their existing IT services were being provided under Transition Service Agreements (TSAs). This meant that any delay to identifying a new IT partner would impact the business operationally and commercially. The approa...