必应词典为您提供hitachi的释义,美[hɪˈtɑtʃi],英[hiˈtɑ:tʃi],n. 日立公司(日); 网络释义: 日立制作所;日本日立;日立牌;
Official website of Hitachi, Ltd. Hitachi drives Social Innovation Business, creating a sustainable society with data and technology. We will solve customers' and society's challenges with Lumada solutions leveraging IT, OT (Operational Technology) and p
Hitachi Hitachi是什么意思、Hitachi怎么读 读音:英[hɪˈtɑ:tʃɪ] 美[hɪˈtɑtʃɪ] Hitachi 基本解释 日立(日本本州岛东岸港市) 词组短语 1、HitachiZosen Automatic Computer 日立Zosen自动计算机 2、HitachiKashiwa Soccer Stadium 日立喀什瓦足球体育场...
百老滙提供多款 hitachi產品,畀你一次過比較型號、功能及價錢。更可有購物優惠、門市取貨、送貨服務及十天購物保障。立即登入broadwaylifestyle.com揀你心儀嘅 hitachi產品!
Hitachi 英[hiˈtɑ:tʃi] 美[hɪˈtɑtʃi] 释义 日立(日本本州岛东岸港市) 实用场景例句 全部 All cases were examined withHITACHIMRP - 7000 AD 0.3 Tesla MRI. 使用日立MRP-7000AD0.3TMR仪. 互联网 Hitachisophisticated power semiconductor devices bring efficiency, comfort and convenience ...
百老滙提供多款 hitachi產品,畀你一次過比較型號、功能及價錢。更可有購物優惠、門市取貨、送貨服務及十天購物保障。立即登入broadwaylifestyle.com揀你心儀嘅 hitachi產品!
Hitachi is committed to promoting DX in socialinfrastructure and co-creating a new future withour customers in a finite environment. Together,enlighten the society with new "Happiness" Energy A green and comfortable future, by the power of digital ...
Hitachi helps customers to achieve their sustainability objectives with state-of-the-art technology, world-class services and support, and clean energy solutions.
药品网络交易第三方平台备案信息:(浙)网药平台备字 (2023〕 第000013-000号 互联网药品信息服务资质证书编号:浙-(经营性)-2021-0139 网络文化经营许可证:浙网文 [202411552-066号 集邮市场开办者备案:杭集邮备005 营业性演出许可证:浙演经20213300000101 出版物网络交易平台服务经营备案证:新出发浙备字第2024005号...
Our Vision At Hitachi, our vision is to „Inspire the Next.“ This statement is more than just a slogan; it’s a commitment to society and our customers. We aim to inspire the next generation, the next breakthrough, the next innovation that will propel society forward. ...