hit the ground running : to begin or proceed quickly, energetically, or effectively hit the hay or hit the sack : to go to bed hit the high points or hit the high spots : to touch on or at the most important points or places hit the jackpot : to become notably and unexp...
—Circus 'Wall of Death' stunt may keep astronauts fit on the moon —Boost your running speed with training — but don't fall for these myths, scientists say Drinking fluids and consuming a carbohydrate-rich diet can also maximize glycogen stores, — a phenomenon known as "carbohydrate loading...
hit the wall Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 hit动— 撞动 · 打动 · 击中动 · 撞击动 · 点击动 · 打人动 · 碰到动 · 敲动 · 动手动 · 使突然想起动 · 达到(某一高点或低点)动...
The meaning of HIT is to reach with or as if with a sudden blow. How to use hit in a sentence.
Running through the metal madness Tired frustrated This life is overrated I think I'm hitting the wall Tired can't take it Full speed I think I'll make it I think I'm hitting the wall I'm looking down upon his wreck of a life The voice of angels whispered Leave it al...
hit the wall 1. To become suddenly and extremely fatigued, especially when participating in an endurance sport, such as running. 2. To lose effectiveness suddenly or come to an end: The stock rally hit the wall when interest rates rose. [Middle English hitten, from Old English hyttan, from...
【解析】hit the floor running 顾名思义,脚敲击地板运转,引申为脚踏实地的工作 的意思. Wall flower,也写作wall flower 原意是一种植物,桂足香,因为典故引电为局外人的 意思. 局外人就是在这里的意思. "You will receive some on the job training, but will hit the floor running, so no wall flower....
Ithitawallontheroofof the new prison building, destroying part of the wall and breaking glass in one of the guard rooms. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 火箭弹击中新的监 狱大楼屋顶,炸坏了一间狱警室的一面墙壁,并打破玻璃。
hit the spot To give total or desired satisfaction, as food or drink. hit the wall 1.To become suddenly and extremely fatigued, especially when participating in an endurance sport, such as running. 2.To lose effectiveness suddenly or come to an end:The stock rally hit the wall when interes...
With more and more activists now plying the trade, Rosenbloom has also noticed that different managers have sometimes begun pursuing the same company, proposing different turnaround plans. "There's so much money and activists running around that guys are bumping into each other doing similar things...