I really needed some coffee earlier so it really hit the spot. 你怎么老是说一些怪里怪气的话. 互联网 We were sort of hungry. That dinner just hit the spot. 我们有些饿了, 那顿饭正好满足我们的要求. 互联网 Brad: Nice game! A shower and whirlpool should really hit the spot. 伯拉德: 真...
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Latest on Hit the Color We have no news or videos forHit the Color. Sorry! Where to buy Hit the Color There are currently no available deals GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Videos There are currently no videos at this moment forHit the Color...
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The meaning of HIT is to reach with or as if with a sudden blow. How to use hit in a sentence.
Role-playing and story-driven games give her a return on her emotional investment. Pop psychologist John Gray wrote in Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, just as a man is fulfilled through working out the intricate details of solving a problem, a woman is fulfilled through talking ...
Hit the Spot Episode 1 6.6/10 from 23 users Dec 23, 2022 Hit the Spot Episode 2 6.4/10 from 22 users Dec 23, 2022 Hit the Spot Episode 3 6.6/10 from 23 users Dec 30, 2022 Hit the Spot Episode 4 6.5/10 from 21 users Dec 30, 2022 Hit the Spot Episode 5 6.2/10 from ...
hit the mark 打中目标;达到目的;成功 hit the spot 使人满足;正合需要;恰到好处 hit the headlines 成为新闻头条;被大肆宣传 hit the books 用功学习;准备功课 hit the target 射中靶子;达到目的 hit back 抵抗,反击 hit out 猛打 hard hit 严重打击;大力击球;坠入情网;(美口)经济上的破产 hit rate n...
hit the spot (informal) 发挥正当作用;适得其用;恰到好处if sthhits the spotit does exactly what it should do hit the streets|hit the shops/stores (informal) 大量上市to become widely available for sale hit a/the wall 筋疲力尽;陷入绝境;遇到不可逾越的障碍to reach a point when you cannot ...
hit the spot To give total or desired satisfaction, as food or drink. hit the wall 1. To become suddenly and extremely fatigued, especially when participating in an endurance sport, such as running. 2. To lose effectiveness suddenly or come to an end: The stock rally hit the wall when ...