hit the road 听听怎么读 英[hit ðə roʊd] 美[hɪt ði rəʊd] 是什么意思 v. 开始流浪;上路;出发;滚吧(俚语) 英英释义 Hit the Road Hit the Road (1941) is a crime comedy film featuring the Dead End Kids. 以上来源于:Wikipedia...
Also found in: Wikipedia. hit 1. noun, slang A dose of an illegal drug. When I was at the worst point of my addiction, every waking moment was spent trying to find a way to score my next hit. 2. noun, slang An inhalation of smoke from a cigarette or pipe, especially one ...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. hit (hĭt) v. hit, hit·ting, hits v.tr. 1. To come into contact with forcefully; strike: The car hit the guardrail. 2. a. To cause to come into contact: She hit her hand against...
Wikipedia hit-and-run (hĭt′n-rŭn′) adj. 1.Being or involving the driver of a motor vehicle who leaves the scene of an accident, especially one in which a pedestrian or another vehicle has been struck. 2.BaseballRelating to or being a play in which a base runner starts to run ...
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hit the sackTo link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.[http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/hit-the-sack hit the sack]Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation.←...
5.noun(not always hyphenated) The act of causing or contributing to a motor-vehicle accident on the road and fleeing the scene so as not to be identified and held responsible.Luckily, a more concentrated police presence near busy intersections has cut down on the number of hit-and-runs over...
In this study, we observed road traffic accidents as the most common cause of pelvic fracture seen in 73 (56.2%) cases followed bypedestrian hit by carin 22% and fall from height in 13% cases. Distribution of Cases according to their Aetiology Aetiology n=130 % Road traffic accident 73 56...
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Additionally, Billboard charts from 1964-2018 were scraped from Billboard and Wikipedia. Using Spotify's Audio Features & Analysis API, the following features were collected for each song: Mood: Danceability, Valence, Energy, Tempo Properties: Loudness, Speechiness, Instrumentalness Context: Liveness...