lyrics Hit the Road Jack and don'tcha come back No more no more no more no more, Hit the Road Jack and don'tcha come back No more What'd you say Old woman old woman, oh you treat me so mean, You're the meanest old woman that I ever have seen, Well I guess if you say so ...
吉他谱 - Hit the road Jack Ulli Bögershausen打开App查看更多精彩内容 发表评论期待您的评论发表评论 热门评论 查看更多热门帖子 文武贝 我爱你中国(文武贝钢琴版) admin 史上最逗逼的吉他入门课,学吉他也可以这么欢乐 秋航 婚内婚外ost李佳薇《控制》钢琴版 tan8_150119009bw1 稍微改编了一下😀 tan8_...
boegershausenulli吉他ringhitjack HittheroadJack RayCharles UlliBoegershausen Moderateh=200 : 4 4 c k l P i s t e 1 1 ! B " B $ ! A AB L L # B $ A " # " B B B H H B B B " B $ B " B $ ! B B L " letring B ! " # ! B B B B ! BB & & ! $ B B ...
the second-string C to the sixth-string F. Same as bar 2. (5) This is the same high E as the first note in the main riff, so you can see that the timing is not exact. I hope you can get the idea through the feel of this rather than exact notation. NOTES on Verse: (6) S...
弹琴吧,中国的在线音乐兴趣教育社区,现注册用户突破100万。其音乐软件《弹琴吧》app、《钢琴谱大全》app和《吉他谱大全》app,安装量突破千万,好评如潮,小伙伴们快来加入吧。精选2万首iPhone/iPad/Android 钢琴谱,五线谱,乐谱,曲谱,免费下载,iPhone/iPad/Androi
《Hit The Road Jack》——指弹(独奏)吉他谱,本辑特意为朋友们贡献海量的精彩吉他指弹(独奏)曲谱,有兴趣的朋友们不妨来看看!,指弹吉他谱 《Hit The Road Jack》君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载 相似精选,再来一篇 更多 喜欢该文档的用户还喜欢 安全教育及安全活动记录 - 公共安全 2024年公立小学五一...
《hit the road jack》指弹吉他谱.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 《hit the road jack》指弹吉他谱 HIT THE ROAD, JACK As recorded by Ray Charles V V V V V V 1 4 V V V V V V V V V I 4 gV V V V V gV V V V V V V eV fV V V V V...
《hit the road jack》指弹吉他谱 HIT THE ROAD, JACK As recorded by Ray Charles 1. 2.Generated using the Power Tab Editor by Brad Larsen.
intro C#||---9---9---9---4---|| G#||---9---9---9---5---|| E ||---9---9---9---6--*||3x B ||-11-11---9-9---7-7---6-6---*|| F#||-11-11---9-9---7-7---
To hit可解作打,而road是路:“路”又怎可以“打”呢? 汉语中“打”和“路”不能搭配。 分享1赞 英语学习吧 kh出国工作咨询 英文学习40Hit the road 出发❖ We'd be? We'd better hit the road, we have a long way to go.我们最好出发吧,还有很长的路要赶。Hit the jackpot 突然赚了大钱...