TodayUSA8%similarity30 RenascenceUSA8%similarity31 African American ReviewUSA8%similarity32 Green LettersGBR8%similarity33 VictoriographiesGBR8%similarity34 MosaicCAN7%similarity35 Cultural AnthropologyUSA7%similarity36 College LiteratureUSA7%similarity37 Cultural and Social HistoryGBR7%similarity38 Women's ...
Submission Guidelines/提交准则 Delegates are encouraged to submit their papers/abstracts to the conference. Good quality papers will be selected by the organizing committee and Prof. Soteris Kalogirou, the editor in chief. After it, the authors will be invited to extent their papers/abstracts and ...
Those are names that might even be familiar to some historians today. So the historians saw a prestigious discipline doing something they wanted to do: they didn’t want to subscribe to an economically determinist account of history (apart from Hobsbawm, who I think we’ll talk about later ...
We hope this directory will help you find the right publisher for your book. To get the most out of it, make sure to: research the publisher; study their submission guidelines; and submit only in the genres they’re interested in.
Today the general consensus within science and medicine is that identifying as trans is something inherent in a person, part of the structure of their brain. It’s not something a person can choose to be, it’s something you are. Similarly, multiple bodies and charities, such as Stonewall,...
led the state prohibition drives of 1906–13. DuringWorld War Ia temporary Wartime Prohibition Act was passed to save grain for use as food. By January 1920 prohibition was already in effect in 33 states covering 63 percent of the total population. In 1917 the resolution for submission of the...
Their work at Bell Labs paved the way for the modern technology we rely on today. Even though Unix was developed decades ago, its impact continues to be felt in our everyday lives. The episode concludes by highlighting the lasting legacy of Unix and its ongoing influence on technology. From...
Mutation has generated the colorful palette of coat colors seen today. However, regardless of the color or pattern on the outside, all domestic cats are genetically tabbies like their wildcat ancestors. Thetabbypattern may not be expressed because of modifying genes. For example, the dominant whit...
Updated available statuses,submission guidelinesand tips for theAlteryx Product IdeasExchange Several bug fixes and styling enhancements Version 2.3| February 3, 2016 Find what you're looking for faster by changing the scope of your search right from the search bar ...
As the historical records prove, women have long been creating original contributions to philosophy. We have valuable writings from female philosophers from Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and a continuous tradition from the Renaissance to today. The history of women philosophers thus stretches back as...