This book also analyses the most recent and salient reports concerning primary education, including the 2011 Ofsted report History for All , the Historical Association Primary Survey 2011 and the findings of the Cambridge Review . It contains case studies, lesson planning guidance and methods to ...
New Left Review.63. Sept-Oct 1970.Fred Halliday: Counter-Revolution in Yemen; Bill Warren: The British Road to Socialism; Tariq Ali: Class Struggles in Pakistan; Robin Blackburn: The Politics of ‘The First Circle’; Goran Therborn: A Critique of the Frankfurt School. £2 New Left Review...
The Conservative Opposition had urged the government to extend academisation and increase the pace; within two months of the election, the Academies Act 2010 was on the statute book and, inverting the original criterion for becoming an academy, all schools judged “outstanding” by Ofsted were gi...
This age‐old debate was in part silenced with the subject's inclusion for all pupils in the National Curriculum, but is raging once more. The Office for Standards in Education (OfSTED) has cautioned that history is becoming endangered in all key stages and the President of the Historical ...
James was on the course in 2007–2008 and was a mature student who had a huge passion for his subject. He was aware that he had much to learn to be an effective teacher and that this would include understanding how to engage students of all ages and backgrounds. As such he was perfect...