rule of lawlatin americacivil lawcommon laweconomicsculture"Rule of law" is an expression both praised and ridiculed by adherents of opposite political philosophies, and it is a principle claimed as the lodestar for widely differing legal theories. As much as an ideality as an ideal, the words...
In simple terms, the rule of law holds that laws (and not men) rule. This entails that no one is above the law and that the laws are intended to serve the public good rather than private interests. What is an example of a rule of law? One example of a rule of law would consist...
The rule of law is the most important political ideal today, yet there is much confusion about what it means and how it works. This 2004 book explores the history, politics, and theory surrounding the rule of law ideal, beginning with cl... ...
The Rule of Law and What the Law Rules: The History of Executive Branch Legal Opinions on the Commander-in-Chief Power and The Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel Torture and Commander-in-Chief Opinions During the First Two Years of the Bush Administration after September 11...
and provided better protections for human rights. We have intensified efforts to advance socialist rule of law in our country, and a comprehensive framework for law-based governance has taken shape. We have sped up work on developing the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics...
皮凯蒂Thomas Piketty 1971,《21世纪资本论》,检视富人的崛起以及对其财富增长速度的担忧,historical law of capitalism 利用财富挣钱:生意或股份带来的利润,财富收益率r,经济增速g,r > g,美国最有钱的1%大概拥有财富的三分之一。为了实现收入分配平等,需要对富人征税,但是阿罗和德布勒的“第一福利定律”证明这样会...
“the constitutional allocation of authority to set public policy regarding recognition of same-sex marriage”, and that “it protects each State from aggressive Federal judges, and other governmental officials, who would use the supremacy of Federal law to force States to recognize same-sex ...
In Babylonia (c. 1750B.C.) the law code of Hammurabi fixed wages for herdsmen and artisans, andthe charges to be made by physicians for operations.40 In Egypt under thePtolemies (323B.C.– 30B.C.) the state owned...
Example of Deregulation The financial industry is not the only major sector to demand and win deregulation. In 1978, Congress passed the Airline Deregulation Act, which changed the landscape of the industry. By removing certain restrictions, the law allowed new airlines to enter the market, includi...