The origins of the First World War第一次世界大战起源Holocaust 犹太大屠杀The Origins and Development of the Cold War冷战起因以及发展Paper 4Depth Study - 3选1顾名思义,这张试卷要求你深入了解某一历史时期并作答,考生需要在选定模块里的3大题里再选2大题作答。每个模块大纲都细分为了4个章节themes,...
Paper 3截取的一段及问题 听起来很玄乎(也确实很玄乎),但简单来说,就是要求考生对于自己选择的历史时期有深刻的理解,并且能够分析出作者论证观点的方式。 The origins of the First World War 第一次世界大战起源 Holocaust犹太大屠...
作者:Fraser J·Harbutt 出版社:Blackwell Publishing Limited 出版年:2002-01-01 页数:384 定价:USD 40.95 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781577180524 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 内容简介· ··· This concise historical narrative by a prize-winning Cold War historian covers the entire Cold War period from the Yalta...
CiteSeerX - Scientific documents that cite the following paper: The Cold War: A New Historydoi:10.1590/S0034-73292006000100012Farias, Rogério de SouzaInstituto Brasileiro de Relações InternacionaisRevista Brasileira De Política Internacional
The Second World War had given way to the cold war and, as communism spread through Eastern Europe, there was a sharp drop in the number of papers received from the region. In 1953, Brimble was elected to the Royal Society of Edinburgh; in his inaugural address, he professed that no ...
Cold WarThe purpose of this paper is to assess whether the end of the Cold war constitutes an epochal event in the history of international and whether it heralded a new epoch in that history. For this, we look at the period through the perspective of three grand narratives in the ...
(Tasmania) in 1803. Although Tasmanian history is amongst the most contested by modern historians, conflict between colonists and Aborigines was referred to in some contemporary accounts as theBlack War.[45]The combined effects of disease, dispossession, intermarriage and conflict saw a collapse of ...
Visions of Nuclear-Powered Cars Captivated Cold War America, but the Technology Never Really Worked From the Ford Nucleon to the Studebaker-Packard Astral, these vehicles failed to progress past the prototype stage in the 1950s and 1960s Greg Daugherty November 13, 2024 At the 1960 Olympics, ...
Origins of the Cold War: An International History. Eds. Leffler Melvyn P. and Painter David S. . New York: Routledge, 1994. xii, 322 pp. Maps. $16.95, paper. 来自 Cambridge Univ Press 喜欢 0 阅读量: 16 作者: LR Ned DOI: 10.2307/2501846 ...