has "KNOWNE of"; which perhaps is right, meaning--acquainted with. ↵ hey-pass-- Equivalent to--juggler. ↵ ostry-- i.e. inn,--lodging. ↵ cunning-- i.e. skill. ↵ Exeunt. Enter the DUKE OF VANHOLT, the DUCHESS, and FAUSTUS-- Old ed.; "Exeunt. Enter to them the ...
The latter doesn't stack, meaning if you wear multiple items that affect the propulsion speed, the last one would take priority. Added a new attribute "ShouldBeOpen" to doors. Can be used by status effects to tell the door to open/close. The game now prefers English texts when a ...
anecdote and reason, tackling issues such as the (occasional) place for an unrefereed paper, the confidentiality of the refereeing system, scientific misconduct and the sometimes impenetrable use of English in the communication of science, asking whether “people hide their meaning from insecurity”....
The default value is false, meaning we add delay to CompactRange calls until stalling can be avoided when possible. Note this delay is not present in previous RocksDB versions. Creating checkpoint with empty directory now returns Status::InvalidArgument; previously, it returned Status::IOError. ...
Cell attachment, migration (velocity, direction), vesicle formation, angiogenesis, stem cell differentiation can be recorded using automated imaging platforms [21, 22]. Some of them are based on the label‐free phase holographic microscopy. In this technique, the low‐power (635 nm) red diode...
In 1986, Drexler predicted (inEngines of Creation) that we’d have molecular assemblers in 30 years. They would roughly act as fast, atomically precise 3-d printers. That was the standard meaning of nanotech for the next decade, until more mainstream authorities co-opted the term. ...
(who published hisEtymologicum linguae Latinaein 1662), and Franciscus Junius (Etymologicum Anglicanum, written before 1677). Richardson did collect a rich body of illustrative quotations, sometimes letting them show the meaning without adefinition, but his work was largely a monument of misguided...
4. Any shift inmeaningthat has occurred in the historical transmission of the word must also be explained. 5. Words that present nonnative sounds, or combinations of sounds, that appear isolated in the language, or that demonstrate markeddeviationfrom the usual phonetic correspondences, are probably...
The candle-lighting ceremony each evening provides the opportunity to gather and discuss the meaning of Kwanzaa. The first night, the black candle in the center is lit (and the principle of umoja/unity is discussed). One candle is lit each evening and the appropriate principle is discussed. ...
(3) operations that transform quarks' colour, obtain physical meaning: These operations map, in the string picture, onto rotations in the small spatial dimensions, just as spin reflects rotations in the large dimensions. "Geometry gives you symmetry gives you particles, and all of the goes ...