One reason for this is that traditional history has tended to focus on areas of human activity in which men were dominant — politics, wars, diplomacy — areas in which women had little or no role. As I begin to reflect on women's history in India, my mind goes back to my school ...
Interactive site full of information and resources about women's experiences in world history. For teachers, teenagers, parents, and history buffs.
History Tuition Notes on History of India, History of Ancient India, Medieval History of India, Modern History of India
[Women in World History] She was preceded by the Empress Anna. - M. Brown.Makeda, also known as the Queen of Sheba (10th century BCE)“I could not find one whom I know in History as a queen and powerful ruler, the Queen of Sheba or Makeda from Abysinia (Ethiopia)” - Mulu [...
Observed by more than a billion people across faiths, this five-day festival of lights brings prayer, feasts, fireworks and, for some, a new year.
Yet social legislation has done much to alleviate the disabilities previously suffered by formerly “untouchable” castes, tribal populations, women, and other traditionally disadvantaged segments of society. At independence, India was blessed with several leaders of world stature, most notably Mohandas ...
ThisismyIndia is the complete & best Indian Portal that carries History of India facts and details of each Indian state with maps and news. We bring to you snippets on Indian Culture, Religion and life. Its an online platform for everything India!
Women and men share in many aspects of village agriculture, though plowing is more often done by men and harvest groups composed only of women are commonly seen. Getting the job done is primary. Gardens and orchards may be tended by either sex, though men are more common in orchards. Men...
A perfect site to find what happened in Indian History on any date chronologically and Date wise. It also provides in details of Historic Events, Birth date and death date.