Wales, constituent unit of the United Kingdom that forms a westward extension of the island of Great Britain. Its capital and main commercial and financial center is Cardiff. Famed for its rugged landscape, Wales retains aspects of Celtic culture that ar
Jenkins,Geraint H.A Concise History of Wales.. 2007Jenkins,Geraint H.A Concise History of Wales. .Jenkins, G. H. (2007). A concise history of Wales. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.Jenkins, Geraint H. A Concise Histo...
According to the British history,Wales is the first country to be joined_ 1 the Kingdom of England in the 16 th century.Later, Scotland and Ireland were added_ 2 (create)the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. _, the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK in the ...
Wales, constituent unit of the United Kingdom that forms a westward extension of the island of Great Britain. Its capital and main commercial and financial center is Cardiff. Famed for its rugged landscape, Wales retains aspects of Celtic culture that ar
United Kingdom, island country located off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe. It comprises the whole of the island of Great Britain—which contains England, Wales, and Scotland—as well as the northern portion of the island of Ireland. Its capita
Until 1999, Wales was ruled solely by the UK government and a secretary of state. In the referendum of Sept. 18, 1997, Welsh citizens voted to establish a national assembly. Wales will remain part of the UK, and the secretary of state for Wales and members of parliament from Welsh consti...
History of England Chapter 1:A Short History Back in England's oldest times,people live in big groups called tribes.(部落) They were farmers-they grew their food,and kept animals for meat and eggs. They lived in villages,in wooden or mud houses,and there was often fighting between the di...
Discover a country steeped in history. From medieval fortresses to scientific breakthroughs. Find out more about our past through 10 objects unique to Wales.
1、英文介绍英国历史A Brief Introduction to the history of UK A Brief Introduction to the History of UK The early settlers and the Celts The Roman Invasion Occupation The Anglo-Saxon Invasion The Norman Conquest and the Middle Ages The 14th-15th century The 16th century The 17th century The ...
The history of UK monarch system Introduction Thisisanintroductionaboutthemen,womenand,insomecases,childrenwhohavesatontheBritishthrones.Centuriesago,England,ScotlandandWaleswereruledbytheirownprinces,kingsandqueens.Bytheendofthethirteenthcentury,WalesandEnglandhadcometoberuledoverbythesamemonarchy ...