The high-speed twists and turns of history's first jet dogfights pit American aces Robbie Risner and Ralph Parr in the battles of their lives against nimble Russian-built MiG-15 fighters. First-hand accounts, rare archival footage and original shooting will supplement the remarkable computer ...
Digging Deeper Jet aircraft first flew in 1939, when the Heinkel He-178 took to the air. By the end of World War II, Britain and the US had joined Germany in producing operational jet fighters, but aircraft carrier technology of the day made the use of jets on carriers problematic. The...
History of flight - Jet Engines, Aviation Pioneers, Air Travel: From the very invention of flight at the beginning of the 20th century, military aircraft and engines generally led the way, and commercial aviation followed. At first this was also the case
Bomber's vs. Fighters face off in three of the most intense dogfights in history! Courageous bomber pilots from World War II and Vietnam challenge deadly foes against incredible odds. Using state of the art computer animation, you're in the cockpit with legendary World War II Navy ace Swede...
Digging Deeper Jet aircraft first flew in 1939, when the Heinkel He-178 took to the air. By the end of World War II, Britain and the US had joined Germany in producing operational jet fighters, but aircraft carrier technology of the day made the use of jets on carriers problematic. The...
The opening of the new Pacific Air Forces headquarters in 1957 accomplished an essential strategic goal of the Air Force. For the first time in Air Force history, all fighters in the Pacific and Far East could operate under a single commander, which streamlined operations and clarified the chain...
of fighters, bombers and attack aircraft help the South Vietnamese Army repel the invasion. Operation LINEBACKER demonstrated to both the North and South Vietnamese that even without significant U.S. Army ground forces, the United States could still influence the war. The air war for the ...
The Soviet-backed invasion of South Korea by communist North Korea in June 1950 drew the USAF into a brutal 3-year conflict. The Air Force soon used new jet fighters, such as the deadly F-86 Sabre, to establish air superiority over the Korean peninsula. In concert with Navy and Marine ...
Although the Talon did not fulfill the Thunderbird tradition of flying front-line jet fighters, it did meet the criteria of demonstrating the capabilities of a prominent Air Force aircraft. The T-38A was used throughout the Air Force during this time period in a variety of roles because of...
“rules of engagement”for American fighter jets launched in response to the attacks, but they subsequently took no action to ensure the rules they established were passed on to the pilots of the fighters. Furthermore, during the call, Myersfailed to pass onthe important information that Vice ...