Unix 系列已经无处不在: Linux 和 Darwin 这样的 Unix 后裔奔驰在每台 iphone, 安卓手机和 Mac 电脑上, 在大部分顶尖超算里, 在大部分互联网服务器上, 为互联网提供核心动力.最初 Unix 由
Improved the code page for UNIX and Mac Improved SFX compression Show the latest archive history Show the [..] directory in archives Support for Windows 8 Support the LZMA algorithm, UTF-8, and AES encryption in ZipX Fixed tons of bugs ...
unix-history-makeis a repository containing code and metadata used to build the above repository. Contributions to this repository are welcomed. Project status The project has achieved its major goal with the establishment of a continuous timeline from 1970 until today. The repository contains: ...
long timestamp = cursor.getLong(3); historyText.append('"').append(massageHistoryField( format.format(new Date(timestamp))).append("\","); // Above we're preserving the old ordering of columns which had formatted data in position 5 historyText.append('"').append(massageHistoryField(curs...
Version 1.0 would officially be released a year later, though popularity would quickly wane once Mosaic released a Mac version of their browser. Nov 16 1992 MidasWWW Tony Johnson, a researcher at SLAC, develops MidasWWW. It runs on Unix machines and is not dissimilar from other graphical ...
•New:"Filename To Time" now also supports Unix time stamps. •Important update of the language files. •Small tweaks in the file time tool for MS Windows OS New in version 5.88 // 25 November 2021 •Dark theme / mode support in the file time stamp tool ...
Unix Timestamp (Independent Publisher) Unofficial Netflix Search (Independent Publisher) Unsplash (Independent Publisher) Updates App (Microsoft 365) Updown (Independent Publisher) URL.dev (Independent Publisher) UrLBae (Independent Publisher) USB4SAP UserVoice USGS Earthquake Hazards (Independent Publisher...
#199: UnixAuthorizer with require_valid_shell option is broken. Major API changes since 0.6.0 New FTPHandler.use_sendfile attribute. sendfile() is now automatically used instead of plain send() if pysendfile module is installed. FTPServer.serve_forever() is a classmethod. AbstractedFS root ...
The <timestamp> can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. 10m, 1h30m) computed relative to the daemon machine’s time. This change is not versioned, and affects all API versions if the daemon has this patch. The VirtualSize field in the GET /...
Here’s a breakdown of the format placeholders used inHISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T ': %F: This signifies the full date in the format “YYYY-MM-DD“. %T: This represents the time in the format “HH:MM:SS“. Enable Timestamp in History Command ...