# Avoid duplicatesexportHISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups# When the shell exits, append to the history file instead of overwriting itshopt-s histappend# After each command, append to the history file and reread itexportPROMPT_COMMAND="${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND$'\n'}history -a; history -...
1.vi .bash_history 关于.bash_history的配置 export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth Don’t save duplicates export HISTSIZE=10000 这个是针对history命令的设置,The number of commands to remember in the command history. The default value is 500. export HISTFILESIZE=10000 这个是针对history文件(.bash_history)的设...
The missing star history graph of GitHub repos -https://star-history.com githubgraphhistorystarstar-historygithub-stargithub-star-history UpdatedMar 6, 2025 TypeScript Continuous Unix commit history from 1970 until today freebsdunixevolutionhistoryberkeleysnapshotbell-labs ...
Acolon-separatedlistofpatternsusedtodecidewhichcommandlinesshouldbesavedonthehistorylist.Eachpatternisanchoredatthebeginningofthelineandmustmatchthecompleteline 以上的关于history的说明都可以使用manbashanbash查的到,如果想要让你的配置永久生效,可以把export命令写到.bash_profile或者全局配置文件/etc/profile里 2.hist...
关于Unix/Linux下查看命令行历史记录(history/.bash_history) 1.vi .bash_history 关于.bash_history的配置 export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth Don’t save duplicates export HISTSIZE=10000 这个是针对history命令的设置,The number of commands to remember in the command history. The default value is 500. ...
entry with a `*'. An argument of N lists only the last N entries. Options: -c clear the history list by deleting all of the entries -d offset delete the history entry at offset OFFSET. -a append history lines from this session to the history file ...
笔记: Unix 的回忆 实体书的风格挺随便(符合 Unix 风格!), 好像作者从 kindle 版本直接打印出来的, 没有出版社大众所不见的盖茨和乔布斯背后, 隐藏着技术人员非常熟悉的第三个巨人: UNIX 系列的伟大创造者. 在50年后的今天, Unix 系列已经无处不在: Linux 和 Darwin 这样的 Unix 后裔奔驰在每台 iphone, ...
Define History of Unix. History of Unix synonyms, History of Unix pronunciation, History of Unix translation, English dictionary definition of History of Unix. or UNIX A trademark for a computer operating system that allows multiple simultaneous users. A
如果审计功能开启,特征字符串(JM)还会有字母A(开启审计功能),可能还有字母L(开启针对用户的审计功能)。IBM DeveloperWorks和Musings of an OS Plumber都刊有介绍Korn Shell审计的出色文章。 Bash shell含有审计功能的可能性也比较小。Ubuntu 10.10上的bash是4.1.5(1)版本。
I've always been interested in the history of technology. Or at least, ever since Sid Meier gave me a technology tree in Civilization. Along the way I collected a large number of books that helped shape how I thought about computing, and technology in general. Then I sat down to write ...