A topnotch WordPress.com site about God's Word, the Bible, and the history of ChristianityMenu Skip to content Home About – Betreft Intentions – Intenties Mijn exegese en hermeneutiek Mijn Geloof en de Wereld My Beliefs and the World My exegesis and hermeneutics Welcome -Welkom Wie of ...
根据文章第一段第2句According to the standard history of American philosophy, nowhere else in colonial American was “so much important attached to intellectual pursuits.可知,“据标准的美国哲学史记载,美洲殖民地别的地方都没有‘如此地重视智力修养’”。新英格兰推崇对知识的追求,即鼓励培养对知识的兴趣,...
李白Lǐ Bái (701-762 AD) The ‘God of Poetry’ 杜甫Dù Fǔ (712-770 AD) Suffering Poetry Saint 苏轼Sū Shì (1037-1101) A Rare Versatile Scholar 李清照 Lǐ Qīngzhào (1084-1151) Ci’s Finest Female Poet 陆游Lù Yóu (1125-1210) The Patriot of Poetry 辛弃疾 Xīn Qìjī (1140-1207...
History of the World: Part I: Directed by Mel Brooks. With Mel Brooks, Dom DeLuise, Madeline Kahn, Harvey Korman. Mel Brooks brings his one-of-a-kind comic touch to the history of mankind covering events from the Old Testament to the French Revolution in
'The Before Times were a great time, one where we didn't need to fear spreading disease every time we convened with others.' In the Before Times, concerts, parties and restaurants weren't avoided. Can we jump to the aftertimes already?
I’m king of the world! 44. Gone With the Wind As God is my witness, I’ll never go hungry again. 45. Old Spice Advertising Remember those wild Old Spice commercials with fast-moving and over-the-topimagerythat kept you glued to the TV and hanging on to every word?
and read the magical words: "come out from among them, touch no unclean thing, and I will be your God and you shall be my people." One wonders what Dane thought of the careful sermons explaining the Bible that he heard in Puritan churches. Meanwhile, any settlers had slighter religious...
On that genial day the fountains of hospitality were broken up, and the whole community was deluged with cherry-brandy, true hollands, and mulled cider; every house was a temple to the jolly god; and many a provident vagabond got drunk out of pure economy, taking in liquor enough gratis ...
Nor can they raise the wind, or rend the clouds; But his dominion that exceeds in this, Stretcheth as far as doth the mind of man; A sound magician is a mighty god: Here, Faustus, tire[21] thy brains to gain a deity. Enter WAGNER.[22] Wagner, commend me to my dearest friends,...
This circumstantial context, however, is composed of other events, actions, and beliefs, just as the context of a word in a sentence is composed of other words from which we gather its meaning on that particular occasion.)语境中的意义而非因果关系或规律(That is to say, history is not a ...