radio officer in London. Challenged to come up with a word that would be easily understood by pilots and ground staff in case of an emergency, Frederick Mockford coined the word "mayday" because it sounded like "m'aider," a shortened version of the French term for " come and help me....
Gorman, who has performed five commissioned poems on "CBS This Morning," has a children's book that is scheduled to be released in September titled "Change Sings." The poet said she has a long-term plan of running for president in 2036.2021...
Even with the enormous growth of recipes online, there’s nothing quite like the heft of a cook book to anchor you in the kitchen. The stains of previous attempts – failed and successful – may shrivel and wrinkle the paper or stick the pages together – but they are testament to the f...
This public meeting has been called discuss the ways in which campaigns must be prepared to campaign in more concentrated and ionger term efforts than we have previously been prepared to do. We must in other words have the commitment to campaign in a systematic drawn-out fashion since this is...
Incidentally, the term “sandwich men” for the mobile human advertiser was, apparently, first coined by author Charles Dickens. He described them as “a piece of human flesh between two slices of paste board”. Now, with branding, we’ve all become walking advertisements. And the sandwich ar...
Khalid Wyne very well and I flew with him last September 1979 from Lahore to Karachi also my parents and family and me met him at Royal Garden Kensington Hotel London last my school half term holiday 30th October 1979 then Last December 1979 I asked my parents for where is Capt. Khalid ...
This collection of essays is the outcome of a conference, organized by the Association of Indian Labour Historians in collaboration with the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, on the histories of work, from the long-term and comparative perspective. Wh
With industry restructuring and realignment, the auto industry's supplier and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) roles were expected to change dramatically. Automakers and suppliers were expected to forge long-term agreements that focused on quality rather than price. Three layers of suppliers were ...
and the message she wanted to deliver."I wanted it to be a message of hope and unity. And I think that Wednesday for me really just underscored how much that was needed," she said. "But to not turn a blind eye to the cracks that really need to be filled."Gorman was named the ...