The Sumerians were the oldest known civilization with city-states, fortified towns and the development of writing called cuneiform which is Latin for "wedge-shaped forms." Sumerian language is different from all other languages. It started out as pictograms. The Sumerians invented the sexagesimal...
a) Human sociability. – Within human sociability, there are two driving factors: family and language. Both are a product of man’s need to socialize, and both allow the continued existence of the civilization. The family is the first source that the new members of society are exposed to, ...
The isolated settlements, at least initially, were the basis of the Sumerian civilization during its thousand-year history. Sumer was never a solidly unified state likeEgypt, led by a king. On the contrary, it contained numerousindependent and sovereign cities. Sometimes they would join together i...
History of Mesopotamia, the region in southwestern Asia where the world’s earliest civilization developed. Centered between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the region in ancient times was home to several civilizations, including the Sumerians, Babyloni
一直以来对于中东的乱局充满着好奇,同时也对于神奇的印度充满着兴趣,于是便买来两本书分别来更好地了解中东和印度:《The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years》和《India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy》。无奈这两本书里面的生疏英文地名及术语太多,再加上背...
Mesopotamia nourished some of the world’s earliest settlements, being with the citis built by the Sumerians (6000b.c.) ended by Persian invasion. 文明起源动因往往是人遇到自然环境或地理环境的挑战.面对挑战,人类必需种种不同的应对措施,文明便...
One of the earliest civilizations to develop a writing system was the Sumerians, who lived in Mesopotamia around 4000 BCE. They used cuneiform, a system of writing on clay tablets using a stylus. The Egyptians also developed a writing system around the same time, using hieroglyphics to record...
the assumption that the study of history is a natural, inevitable human activity. Before the late 18th century, historiography did not stand at the centre of any civilization. History was almost never an important part of regulareducation, and it never claimed to provide an interpretation of ...
Aruru - mother and earth goddess in Gilgamish epic; identified with Sumerian Ki and Ninkhursag Dagan - god of agriculture and earth; counterpart of Phoenician Dagon Ea - the Babylonian god of wisdom; son of Apsu and father of Marduk; counterpart of the Sumerian Enki; as one of the supreme...