Originally composed by African American musician James Price Johnson in 1923, this song came to define the carefree, wild reputation of the “Roaring Twenties”, when the restrictions and formalities of the Victorian era were thrown off and a new youthful excitement filled the air. Title?The Flig...
A Bookchat about Code Name Edelweiss with Stephanie Landsem & a Review of Yesterday’s Tides by Roseanna M. White. Subscribe to Historical Bookworm Show Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | Pandora | Email | RSS | Subscribe to the Historical Bookworm Stephanie Landsem joins us...
1941: Edelweiss Air Pirates, anti-British/anti-French/ anti-Slavic group by Bartholomaus Schink and Fritz Theilen begin operations in Cologne, Oberhausen, Dusseldorf, and Essen, attacking Allied vessels,... 1941: German forces begin trafficking Polish women as sex slaves across the Eastern Front...
Sales at Oscar Mayer grew to $11 million by 1918. About a third of that total represented sales to the government for feeding World War I troops. That year the Edelweiss brand name was discontinued, and a new one, "Oscar Mayer Approved Meat Products," took its place. The company was pr...