(redirected fromHistory of the Republic of China) Thesaurus Wikipedia Nationalist China n (Placename) an unofficial name for (the Republic of)China Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009...
History of the sewing machine History of the sewing machine History of the sewing machine History of the Society Islands History of the Society Islands History of the Society Islands History of the Spanish language History of the Spratly Islands History of the swimsuit History of the swimsuit Histo...
“He (C. Canuleius, tribune and plebian leader) was advocating the breaking up of the houses, tampering with the auspices, both those of the State and those of individuals, so that nothing would be pure, nothing free from contamination, and in the effacing of all distinctions of rank, no...
The Monetary History of the Greek World Antolia (Asia Minor) Athens The Monetary History of the Rome Monetary History of Imperial Rome 217-270 AD 270 – 294 AD 27BC – 217AD 294 – 360 AD 360 – 394 AD 395 – 423 AD 423 – 518 AD The Monetary History of the Roman Republic Chronol...
Blue jeans in the form we know them today didn't come about until the middle of the nineteenth century. Levi Strauss, an enterprising immigrant who happened to have a few bolts of blue denim cloth on hand, recognized a need for strong work pants in the mining communities of California. ...
Blondin, from Wikipedia: in James L. Haley’sPassionate Nation: The Epic History of Texas. Share this: Leave a comment The two most popular movies of all time, while not historically accurate, are about core historic events:Gone With The WindandTitanic. [And nowAvatar, which draws heavily...
They can be seen sharing meals, marching through blitzed towns and carrying bodies across the battlefields. The Ossuary skin for RSC SMG (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ossuary): An ossuary is a chest, box, building, well, or site made to serve as the final resting place of human ...
The first Remington typewriters, created by Sholes, Glidden, and Soule even came with a foot pedal (like a sewing machine) to control carriage returns. So how did we get to where we are now, in the high-tech age of computers and plastics? To move forward, it’s important to first ...
This document was created from a huge number of sources that are too vast and gathered over such a long period of time to begin to account for. Some of the information here was gleaned from various online resources such as Wikipedia and BitSavers. A large amount of information was also ga...
During the nineteenth century, the advent of industrial technology had a major impact on modern methods of upholstery. In 1850, coil springs were invented. A modern sofa typically, though not always, contains springs to even out weight distribution. The sewing machine was also developed during ...