The History of the Olympic Games 36 2024-07 6 European Landmarks 20 2024-07 7 What is in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? 52 2024-07 8 Lunar New Year 45 2024-07 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1810 The-Princess-and-the-Frog by:亚乐伦图书
The Ocean Cleanup made history by cleaningup the first of the plastic from the Great PacificGarbage Patch (垃圾带). And now, its researchersare turning the waste into designer sunglasses. Notonly are the stylish glasses made from the plasticcollected, but the earningsgo toward helpingsupport the...
It has now been one year since The Ocean Cleanup made history by cleaning up the first of the plastic from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch(垃圾带). And now, its researchers are turning the waste into designer sunglasses. Not only are the stylish glasses made from the plastic collected, but...
In 1935, America was in the midst of the Great Depression (August 1929 to March 1939), “the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world up to that time.” The economy grew by 8.9%, unemployment fell to 20.1%, prices rose 3.0%, and t...
And even bigger topics that, OK, maybe noteverykid is asking, but are still important: Why is there a big patch of garbage in the Pacific Ocean? Who makes the laws? Why can't kids vote? With the help of expert voices, the show answers the simple and the complex in kid-friendly ter...
Prior to this voyage, little was known about what would come to be called the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch," other than that it was an area in which oceanic currents converged in such a way that particles of plastics and other nonbiodegradable waste accumulated in a gyre.Smithers, Krista...
This opened up a whole new musical vista for me because the quality of the musicianship with the other students I was playing with had also become correspondingly high. Fortunately, I was able to play with students who eventually went on to become professional musicians. They were: ...
Research was largely restricted to monitoring trends in litter to assess the effectiveness of mitigation measures, until the last decade, when concern about microplastics coupled with the discovery of alarming densities of small plastic particles in the North Pacific ‘garbage patch’ (and other mid-...
Bruce Rogers began cave exploring in the wilds of New England in 1958. Since then he has explored the basements of North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Alaska to the Guatemala border in addition to many of the island nations of the Pacific Basin. All facets of geology ...
Of all the vanished civilisations, no other has evoked as much bafflement, incredulity and conjecture as the Pacific island of Rapa Nui (Easter Island). This tiny patch of land was discovered by European explorers more than three hundred years ago amidst the vast space that is the South Pacifi...