The first evidence of a female condom (also known as an internal condom) dates back to around 3,000 B.C.E., when it makes an appearance in texts such as Homer’sThe Iliad. According to the texts from this time period, a goat’s bladder was inserted into the vagina of King Minos’...
Philip H. Young, The Printed Homer: A 3000-Year Publishing and Translation History of the Iliad and the Odyssey (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008), 487ppdoi:10.1007/s12138-011-0271-2International Journal of the Classical Tradition -Scully, Stephen...
ThestoryofthefallofTroyisoneoftheoldeststoriesinhistory. Itdatesbacktoaround 800 BC, to a poemwrittenby a mancalledHomer. ThepoemiscalledTheIliad(《伊利亚待》). IliumistheGreeknameforTroy.Thestoryis a myth(神话), butmanybelievethecityofTroyactuallyexisted. SomepeoplehavethoughtitwasinmodernTurkey...
The Lydians belonged to a race of people strongly influenced by the Hittites. Much of this empire's history is primarily known only from the ancient Assyrian texts, though other ancient texts such as the Bible, Greek mythology, and Homer's Iliad all mention Lydia. In the Bible, the ...
The Iliad and The Odyssey form the foundation of Western literature. They are epic poems written by the Greek poet Homer, and they tell the stories of the Trojan War and the journey home of the hero Odysseus. Oedipus Rex by the Greek playwright Sophocles is one of the first great plays...
From early China to laser cocktails via the saloons of the Wild West, mixed drinks have a surprisingly long history. Here's our take on it all.
Why is the Iliad important? Why was Sophocles important to the history of theater? Why was crime fiction so popular in the 19th century? Why is Blood on the River important to literature? Why is H.P. Lovecraft important to literature?
ahomer did not so much record history,he created it. the greeks looked on the iliad and the odyssey as true history and as the works of the poet,homer. thoes masterpieces gave the greeks an ideal past with a cast of heroes. the epics were used as texts for the education of greek mal...
Confused by the classics? Annoyed by Ancient History? The Queer Classicist keeps it fun, sexy, and weird - kind of like a Horrible Histories for grown-ups, all in one neat Ancient History blog.