GrahamA.WillettWalterC.EBSCO_AspJama Journal of the American Medical AssociationColditz G, Willett W, Hunter D, et al.: Family history, age and risk of breast cancer. JAMA 1993;270:338-343.Colditz GA, Willett WC, Hunter DJ, Stampfer MJ, Manson JE, Hennekens CH, et al. Family history...
This cohort study investigates the association of family history of breast cancer and mammographic breast density in premenopausal women using both
The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of family history of cancer and personal history of other medical conditions in the aetiology of the oral cavity cancer in France. We used data from 689 cases of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma and 3481
A prospective study of parental history of myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease in women. Among 121,964 women aged 30-55 years in 1976, 117,156 who were initially free from provided information on a number of coronary risk factors including pare... COLDITZ GRAHAM A.,STAMPFER MEIR...
The development of the telegraph in the previous century had been a revelation. Now, the race was on to transmit images. Alexander Graham Bell’s photophone and Shelford Bidwell’s ‘Tele-photography’ had demonstrated that the transmission of live images was possible, but an article by Bidwell...
WelcomeTo The Family As A Whole. It is a site for descendants of McCuistion, McCuiston, McQuesten, McQuestion, McQuiston, McQuistion (and any various spellings) historically associated with Hugh of Sleat and Clan Uisdean. It is not necessary to register to view the data, but understan...
history of the pathology of the gonads Robert H Young James Homer Wright Pathology Laboratories, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Our understanding of gonadal pathology has reached its current state as a result of the contributions of numerous outstanding ...
Ernst found his way to the Dominican Republic, in Ciudad Trujillo, where he was in the family business – the administrator of a matadero, a slaughterhouse. Ernst married Maria de la Concepcion Menendez—perhaps the most exotic member of the family–who was born in Spain in 1912; she came ...
CHAPTER 1 History and Definitions of Family Violence May 14, 2009, Daily Press (Victorville, CA): On Mother's Day, sheriff's deputies discovered a 94-year-old woman living in a wooden shed with no running water or cooling. The depu- ties arrested her 59-year-old son Ronald Rego and ...
South of our Bloomingdale neighborhood was the New York Orphan Asylum Society, organized by Isabella Graham in 1806. Initially, the group had an asylum in Greenwich Village. Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, recently widowed, was an early supporter. By 1839, the Society relocated to a large facility ...