The civil rights movement was a struggle for justice and equality for African Americans that took place mainly in the 1950s and 1960s. Among its leaders were Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, the Little Rock Nine, Rosa Parks and many others.
The civil rights movement was an organized effort by black Americans to end racial discrimination and gain equal rights under the law. It began in the late 1940s and ended in the late 1960s.
Graphic memories of the civil rights movement: reframing history in comicsPeyton Del Toro
WEB sitesCIVIL rights movementsCOMPUTER network resourcesReviewsCivil Rights Movement in Kentucky Oral History Project Digital Media Database, Kentucky Oral...doi:10.1525/ohr.2007.34.1.145LarsonMary A.Oral History AssociationOral History Review
慢速英语听力2011 American-History-The-1960s-a-Decade-That-Changed-a-Nation 292023-03 2 慢速英语听力2011 American-History-The-Civil-Rights-Movement 262023-03 3 慢速英语听力2011 American-History-The-Election-of-1960 282023-03 4 慢速英语听力2011 American-History-The-Election-of-1968 412023-03 5 ...
民权运动是美国历史上一个重要的社会和政治运动,旨在消除种族歧视和促进社会平等。这场运动主要发生在20世纪50年代和60年代,但它的根源可以追溯到更早的时期。 在20世纪前半叶,美国社会存在着严重的种族歧视,尤其是对非裔美国人的歧视。他们面临着各种形式的歧视,包括种族隔离、就业歧视、教育歧视和投票权限制等。这...
History ofeverthing by:LoveEnglish爱英语 3268 Short History Of by:雅各Q 1.2万 History ofArchaeology by:典妈书房11 2647 The Lessons of History by:莉莉蜜丝Vicky 2.6万 PenguinHistory ofEurope by:Wendy的音频 1万 TheHistory ofLove by:BaLaBoBo ...
“‘Yellow power' is just now at the stage of an articulated mood rather than a program—disillusionment and alienation from white America and independence, race pride and self-respect.” Black activism played a fundamental role in the launch of the Asian American civil rights movement, but Asia...
Let Freedom Ring: A Documentary History of the Modern Civil Rights Movement - 1992, Page 129 Read Let Freedom Ring: A Documentary History of the Modern Civil Rights Movement now at Questia.doi:10.1080/03612759.1993.9948649McFarlandDaniel M....
Civil rights, guarantees of equal social opportunities and equal protection under the law regardless of race, religion, or other personal characteristics. Examples of civil rights include the right to vote, the right to a fair trial, the right to a publi