The Banque Royale is one of the earliest examples of a central note-issuing bank. In particular, in 1716, King Louis XV of France granted the Scottish economist and gambler John Law de Lauriston a charter to set up a bank, based on which he created an empire of merchant monopolies in Fr...
[2007], "A Brief History of Central Banks", Economic Commentary, December,, M. D. (2007) "A Brief History of Central Banks", Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Economic Commentary, December...
an official central bank is charged by a central government to control the money supply for the purpose of promoting economic stability. It may have other duties as well, such as some degree of regulatory power over the financial system, operating a check-clearing system, or to perform general...
Since the establishment of the People's Bank of China, China's national treasury business has been handled by the People's Bank of China. The national treasury system has undergone a development transformation from agency to manager. In 1950, the State Council of the Central People's Government...
The European Central Bank (ECB) is one of the seven institutions of the EU and the central bank for the entire Eurozone.
The Bank of England takes you through the history of the bank since it was built in 1694 to its role today as nation's central bank. There are gold bars(金条) dating from ancient times to the modern market bars, coins and a special collection of banknotes. Parents and their children can...
Founded in 1912 to absorb and replace the Ta Ching Government Bank, this is the oldest bank in China. From its establishment until 1942, it issued banknotes on behalf of the Central Government along with the “Big Four” banks of the period: the Central Bank of China, The Farmer’s Bank...
BEAC's official currency is the Central African CFA franc, which has an exchange rate tied to the euro. The CFA franc is expected to be reintroduced as the Eco but the process has been delayed due to the impact of COVID-19. Understanding the Bank Of Central African States (BEAC) ...
The Federal Reserve System, commonly known as the Fed, is the central bank of the U.S., which regulates the U.S. monetary and financial system.