Editor's Note:This year marks the 110th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution, or the Xinhai Revolution, which overthrew the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and put an end to the country's over 2,000-year-old monarchy. The revolution is of great historic significance, for it led to ...
The author is the chairman of the Association for the Study of the 1911 Revolution and concurrently professor of history at the Teachers College of Central China in Wuchang. A leading specialist on the period, he is editor-in-chief of the project on the multivolume , scheduled for publication...
Chinese history information about chronology and timeline of ancient China with list of Chinese dynasties period such as Qin, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Construction Time: 2,500 years, from the Spring and Autumn Period (770 – 476BC) to 1878 in late Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911) Read More:25 Fun Facts about Great WallWhere is the Great Wall of China?How long is the Great Wall of China?How tall is it?How wide is it?Can it be ...
The Titanic Experience contains many original Titanic and White Star Line artefacts, along with a number of other fascinating items of cultural and historical interest.
张瀚天 译,译者为北大法律评论助理编辑转自: PKULAWREVIEW公众号导言[译者按]弗里德里克 威廉 梅特兰(1850-1906)被公认为现代英国法律史之父。即使在今天,梅特兰的著作依然是研习英国法律史所无法忽略的起点。他和波洛克合著的《英格兰法律史——爱德华一世之前》(The Hitory of English Law before the Time of Edwar...
作者:John Richard Green and Alice Stopeord Green 出版社:Macmillan and Co. 出版时间:1911-00-00 印刷时间:1911-00-00 页数:920 版次:revised & enlarged ,购买A Short History of the English People(1911年版 翁同龢曾孙翁之憙签名钤印旧藏 精装本)英国人民简
Finally, the Revolution of 1911 led by Sun Yat-sen broke out and overthrew the Empire of Qing, bringing two thousand years of Chinese feudal monarchy to an end. Emperors Order Name Notes Reign Time (years) 1 Emperor Taizu (Nurhachu) Founder of the Latter Jin regime which later turned ...
Define History of China. History of China synonyms, History of China pronunciation, History of China translation, English dictionary definition of History of China. n China as ruled by the emperors until the establishment of the republic in 1911–12 Coll