网络瑞典历史 网络释义 1. 瑞典历史 Sweden in... ... Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden 古斯塔夫二世History of Sweden瑞典历史John III of Sweden 约翰三世 ...|基于2个网页
Prehistoric Sweden, History of Sweden (800–1521), History of Sweden (1523–1611), History of Sweden (1611–1648), History of Sweden (1772–1809), History of Sweden (1945–1989), Scandinavian prehistory, Swedish Empire, Age of Liberty, Sweden during World War II, Sweden during late 19th ...
While this policy of silence has persisted for centuries, recognition of the memory of slavery – defined as the effects of the past on the present – is gradually emerging. One of the main reasons for this has been a change in global...
The Early History of Salt Introduction Salt is essential for human1 Ancient Rome The word2comes from the Latin word’s solarium argetum, which wasused to describe the payment to Roman soldiers. Ancient Sweden Animals were kept in the local3at the right time of year. ...
The history of Sweden in the seventeenth century is perhaps one of the most remarkable political success stories of early modern Europe. Little more than a century after achieving independence from Denmark, Sweden - an impoverished and ... PD Lockhart - 《European History in Perspective》 被引量...
Along Sweden's rocky coast, chopped up by bays and inlets, are many islands, the largest of which are Gotland and Öland. Government Constitutional monarchy. History The earliest historical mention of Sweden is found in Tacitus's Germania, where reference is made to the powerful king and ...
The ambition of Sweden's KingGustav IIIto establish a colony for his country at the Swan River in 1786 remained stillborn.[86]It was not until 1788 that economic, technological and political conditions in Great Britain made it possible and worthwhile for that country to make the large effort ...
Lowest Point:Reclaimed bay of Lake Hammarsjon at -7.8 feet (-2.4 meters) History of Sweden Sweden has a long history that began with prehistoric hunting camps in the southernmost part of the country. By the 7th and 8th centuries, Sweden was known for its trade but in the 9th century, th...
History of Sweden - Sweden in the 20th century: The economic expansion that started in the early 19th century laid the foundations for internal developments in Sweden during the 20th century. The turning point came during and immediately after World War
Halland, län (county) of southern Sweden, coextensive with the traditional landskap (province) of Halland. It is a low undulating region of heaths and ridges that rise above gently sloping sandy beaches. The coastline is smooth with few anchorages. Fo