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The history of stem cell research is considered a recent one, yet, it began as early as the middle of the nineteenth century and is rich in questions, approaches, concepts, tools, methodologies and lines of thought. There are at least nine disciplines or research fields which have made ...
First the controversies against the development of stem cell research is that the process necessitates the killing of embryonic cells. This presents political problems because in the US, many people consider it as immoral to kill this basic life form since everyone was born from an embryo. Beside...
The origins of current embryonic stem cell research can be traced back to the late nineteenth century, when the first attempts were made to keep early rabbit embryos alive outside of the womb. The preference was for rabbits over mice, because rabbit embryos are larger and therefore more easily...
From embryonic stem cells to blastema and MRL mice 2008, Reproductive BioMedicine Online Show abstract Derivation of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) 2014, Methods in Molecular Biology From teratocarcinomas to embryonic stem cells and beyond: A history of embryonic stem cell research 2006, Nature...
Stem cells are specialized cells that are found in multicellular organisms. The have the unique capability of being able to divide and differentiate into a variety of different kinds of specialized cells. This unique ability allows stem cells to play many roles, one being to contribute as an int...
The timeline of major scientific advances during the history of stem cell research. Multipotent stem cells were first discovered in 1961, representing the initial breakthrough in stem cell and regenerative medicine. Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997. The transition from fundamental research, to pre...
The concept that adult stem cells, despite their impressive proliferative potential, are immortal has been challenged by experimental studies of hematopoietic stem cells. In this review, we discuss the properties that characterize a stem cell, the growing list of tissues in which stem cells are foun...
The history of somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT) in mammals is full of exciting experiments and findings regarding the technique and outcome of NT, despite only covering a period of 6 years. The production of Dolly, for the first time demonstrating cloning from an adult somatic cell, had a...
Stem-cell research: the state of the art. Future regulations of embryonic-stem-cell research will be influenced more by economic interests and cultural history than by ethical concerns主要由Pompe, S.、Bader, M.、Tannert, D. W.编写,在2005年被EMBO reports