Thanks to the light of revelation we know that this one true religion is the Christian religion, and, since there are different forms of the Christian religion, that the true religion is in particular the one known as Catholic, concrete and visible in the Catholic Church. The history of ...
That's right. Lots of famous women in history have achieved important female firsts, paving the way for generations of women to come. Women's history is full of awesome females who accomplished great things, and were the first woman to do so. This list of notable female firsts is full ...
all the legends of history.The Medieval Romans felt any criticism of the Catholic Church was an attack on GOD himself; the contumacious heretic could only be viewed as an agent of Satan, sent to undo the work of Christ; and any man or government that tolerated heresy was serving Lucifer...
There may be an element of religious propaganda to this image of Rome too. The Catholic Church took hold in the last centuries of the Empire. It was in the Church’s interests to portray the pre-Christian, pagan Roman world as one of out-of-control desires, orgies and endemic rape that...
At Prairie du Rocher, the first settlement was Fort Chartres in about 1721. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church was established there about the same time. Then, in 1722, Philip Francois Renault, acting on behalf of King Louis XV, arrived in the area to explore for gold and silver. On his wa...
The Latins melted down almost all of the Greek and Roman statues in the city, many of these were the famous works of the greatest artists of their times. The famous horses of San Marco were taken from the hippodrome and shipped to Venice, a long with hordes of marble columns, capitals ...
The Roman Catholic Church became an entity distinct from other “branches” of Christendom or Christianity. Today, the center of the Roman Catholic Church is found in Vatican City and is led by the head of state called the Pope. Tenets Of Catholicism Using the Apostles Creed as an outline ...
After a frantic search on land and in the waters of the Nile, Hadrian went berserk with grief. Neither the body nor the motive was ever discovered. Within weeks, he deified the boy, turning his lost love into a god. Hadrian founded in a city in his name, had thousands of statues ...
He discovers the work of maverick engineer Giovanni Belzoni, who levered out statues of pharaohs, the rivalries that erupted between teams of explorers across Europe in search of long-buried treasures, and tells the story of the most famous discovery in the valley - Howard Carter's unearthing ...
The Council of Trent of the Catholic Church issues the Index librorum prohibitum (Index of Prohibited Books). The Index is updated every 50 years until 1948 and was finally rescinded in 1965. The index eventually included more that 4,000 works.For a complete history of the church and liter...