Cool Runnings is a unique blend of sports and comedy, centered around the unlikely story of Jamaica's first bobsled team. Derice Bannock (Leon), a sprinter failed to qualify for the Olympics, forms an unusual alliance with three other athletes, Sanka Coffie (Doug E. Doug), Junior Bevil (...
Join my conversation with Rachel E. Gross, author of Vagina Obscura, as we uncover the forces that shape our understanding of female anatomy.
Prior to 1834, when slavery was abolished, blacks in Jamaica fought a bitter and often futile battle to free themselves from the savage institution of slavery. TheMaroonswere well known as Jamaica's only successful black resistance movement. For centuries, they menaced British troops, looted plan...
Jamaica1962 trinidad and Tobago1962 Uganda1962 Kenya1963 Malawi1964 Malta1964 Zambia1964 the Gambia1965 (left in 2013; rejoined 2018) Singapore1965 Guyana1966 Botswana1966 Lesotho1966 Barbados1966 Mauritius1968 Nauru1968 (joined as special member; full member since 1999) ...
The Japanese names, Nihon and Nippon, are alternative readings of written characters that mean "origin of the sun" ("Land of the Rising Sun"). European names for the country probably originated with Marco Polo, who most likely adopted a name for Japan used in a Chinese dialect. The nam...
Jamaica Plain, MA Native Italian certified teacher (from beginner to fluent) Moreover, the desire to teach and disseminate Italian culture, led me to open a food blog. With my blog, I share my passion for cooking,historyand Italian heritage with a focus on my region, Apulia. I am a pat...
For example, we are plunged into the miserable depths of Kingston Lunatic Asylum in post emancipation Jamaica via the observations of Henrietta Dawson. Admitted to the asylum in the late 1850s, Dawson, who, like every patient at Kingston, was a woman of colour, was subjected to and witness ...
on March 1, 1927, in Harlem, New York, Belafonte spent part of his childhood in his mother's native Jamaica before returning to Harlem where he finished high school. His life took an unexpected turn when he attended a production of the American Negro Theatre, sparking an enduring passion...
In the 17th and 18th centuries,Jamaica, a British colony with many sugar plantations, was the frequent scene of revolts. One of the most notable took place in 1760; an uprising of hundreds of enslaved people, led by an enslaved man namedTacky, inspired others across the island during the ...
In her late forties,Mary Seacoletravelled from her home in Jamaica to Britain to offer her services as a nurse during the Crimean War (1853-56). Despite being turned down Seacole refused to give up: a woman of mixed-race with a Jamaican mother and Scottish father, she had dealt with pre...