silk summary Discover Why We Celebrate MLK Day Was Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican or a Democrat? A Brief (and Fascinating) History of Money How Many People Have Been to the Moon? Were the Nazis Socialists? Which Religion Is the Oldest?
The history of silk dates back to ancient China, where it was first made. Although the methods used to make silk were once...
Kashmir is the only place in India where high-quality bivoltile silk can be produced. Kashmiri weavers have a long tradition of producing handloom silk fabric, but this valuable skill and artistry has unfortunately been lost to modernization
of prehistoric textiles are extremely rare because of the perishability of fabrics. The earliest evidence ofweaving, closely related to basketry, dates from Neolithicculturesof about 5000bce. Weaving apparently preceded spinning of yarn; woven fabrics probably originated from basket weaving. Cotton,silk...
In July this year, a video was posted as if in response to the conclusion of Kyle Olmon’s “Movable Book Artists” inParenthesis31 (2020): There is little in the way of scholarship and criticism in regard to pop-up and movable books. Part of this is the stigma of being represented ...
Birtwhistle and C.G. Ritchiethey--created Terylene, the first polyester fabric. The durable fiber was once known as uncomfortable to wear but inexpensive. With the addition of microfibers that make the fabric feel like silk--and the rising price tag because of it--polyester is here to ...
The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy by Kenneth Pomeranz Read 2 Cotton: the Fabric that made the Modern World by Giorgio Riello Read 3 The City of Blue and White: Chinese Porcelain and the Early Modern World ...
silk reliquary pouch from Namur, Belgium worked in space patterned Simple Looping with a carried thread. There was a stitch diagram, but no picture. My friend Ann Moreau took up the quest to track down more information and was able to provide me with a photograph and a couple of very ...
be able to buy the silks to make the purse herself. The alms purse of Marie de Picquigny (France 1342) worked on linen in silk and gold thread is on view at the Musee de Moyen Age, Cluny Paris. It would seem that women’s purses were most likely to be of the drawstring variety....
Even 19th century ladies’ underwear, like this corset, were often made using animal products – the tough ribbing was typically made of baleen whale teeth, while the smooth lining was made by silk worms (the caterpillar of the silk moth). ...