Despite President San Yu's reelection in 1985 to a four-year term and his appointment as vice-chairman of the BSPP, Ne Win continued to dominate the political scene and to make all major and many minor government policy decisions. One such decision, to withdraw large currency notes from circ...
There is also one Palestinian and one stateless Rohingya Muslim who was captured by Pakistani troops near the Afghanistan border in 2001.” “The inmate population might have been reduced further in August, had Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin not stepped in at the last moment to nix a plea deal...
But, even there, there are key foundations you need to work from, like the probability you won’t just give an excuse for the oppressor committing even worse horrors as was the case with the Rohingya militants who ambushed a police checkpoint, resulting in army & citizen campaign to burn do...
27.Myanmar's Enemy Within: Buddhist Violence and the Making of a Muslim Other ByFrancis Wade;Linsey McGoey| 60% Off In 2017, Myanmar's military launched a campaign of violence against the Rohingya minority that UN experts later said amounted to a genocide. More than seven hundred thousand ci...
ULAN BATOR, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- "The Secret History of the Mongols," one of the oldest surviving Mongolian-language historic and literary works, has been illustrated on felt applique and the artwork was presented to the public here Wednesday. ...
5-Jan-19 World View -- Myanmar (Burma) Buddhist separatists in Arakan Army in Rakhine State kill 13 policemen: EU considers revoking Myanmar's trade preferences because of Rohingya genocide... (5-Jan-2019) 4-Jan-19 World View -- Britain may establish a military base in South China Sea...
Vice President Mike Pence Says Myanmar’s Persecution of the Rohingya Is ‘Without Excuse’ 11/13/2018 [-] Mike Pence to stay in Cairns during APEC summit 11/08/2018 [-] Vice President Mike Pence Will Visit Japan Next Week Ahead of Asia Summits ...
Beginning in 2017, a wave of more than 700,000Rohingyarefugees entered Bangladesh, fleeing from genocide in neighbouringMyanmarand adding to the approximately 200,000 Rohingya who had previously arrived. The government received considerable international and domestic support for taking them in, but there...
The rise of Islamophobia in Western democracies is well documented, but Islamophobia also has a virulent presence in other parts of the world. In Myanmar, discrimination against the Muslim Rohingya minority led to a major refugee crisis in the 2010s. In China the Communist Party has frequently ...
Sky News continued to win BAFTA Awards, including in 2008 for its coverage of a terrorist attack the previous year on the Glasgow Airport, in 2015 for a report on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, in 2018 for a story on the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar (Burma), and in 2021 for ...