Early road transportDevelopment of water wayRailwayModern highwayrailway in INDIATacking flightBeyond the earthTransportation engineering is the application of technology and scientific principles to the planning, functional design, operation and management of facilities for any mode of transportation in ...
In November, the imperative to “advance the development of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road to forge a comprehensive and open new framework” was incorporated into the “Decision of the Central Commi...
The Golden Road by William Dalrymple Read expert recommendations “It makes the case for India as a major driver of cultural change from about 250 BCE to 1200 CE. It tracks two things: the spread of Buddhism and the spread of Indian mathematics across the region and around the world…while...
Internal Organization of Company Anglo-French Struggle in South India The British Conquest of India Mysore Conquest Lord Wellesley (1798-1805) Lord Hastings Consolidation of British Power Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856) British Administrative Policy British Economic Policies Transport and Communication Land Reven...
But an editorial in April 1890 gave praise to attempts to “link the instruction of the school to the life in the home”, and another on the education fees debate set out the journal’s stall in June 1891: “We want a free road kept open to the University.” ...
This ancient road ran from Canterbury in England, through France, Spain, Switzerland, and onward to Rome. Or if you were making the ultimate Christian pilgrimage, further yet to Apulia where ports of embarkation sailed you off to the Holy Land. Lucca was on this pilgrimage trail, just before...
In return, the Romans exported their goods like glassware, jewelry, and textiles to India. Furthermore, the Roman Empire was also engaged in trade with the Far East, including China. This commerce was conducted via the Silk Road, an overland trade route network that linked the Roman Empire ...
The knowledge of the territory that people inhabit, the awareness of the geological heritage value and its management are aimed both at the benefit of loca
They were limited to construction and transport units that built the roads and landing strips that took white troops to theater of engagement. Sixty percent of the troops that built the 1,100-mile Ledo Road linking India and China were African Americans, as were one-third of those who built...
The Silk Route was not a single road but a network of land and sea paths that connected China and the Far East with countries in Europe and the Middle East. A series of trading posts and markets sprouted up along the route to enable the storage, transport, and exchange of goods. It wa...