NASA -- Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson -- serve as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation's confidence, turned around the Space Race and galvanized the ...
Since the 1960s, against the backdrop of race riots and general despair, the words black, inner city, ghetto and problems became connected and at times interchangeable. Oftentimes the stories produced appear as if blacks inhabit the inner cities alone. In this world there are no Asians, ...
April 13, 1943 - The Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. is dedicated on the 200th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson's birth by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. June 21, 1943 - Race riots in Detroit and Harlem cause forty deaths and seven hundred injuries. ...
history.BythatImeanahistorydifferentfromwhatIhadlearnedincollegeandingraduateschooland fromwhatIsawinthehistorytextsgiventostudentsalloverthecountry. WhenIsetouttowritethebook,Ihadbeenteachinghistoryandwhatisgrandioselycalled"political science"fortwentyyears.HalfofthattimeIwasinvolvedinthecivilrightsmovementintheSout...
"Either, or, Neither Nor":Resisting the Production of Gender, Race and Class Dichotomies in the Pre-Colonial Period The desire to categorise the past into black and white; European invader and Aboriginal owner; men andwomen, is a feature of Australian archaeological discourse. In this paper I...
August 11, 1965 - The Watts race riots in Los Angeles begin a five day siege, culminating in the death of thirty-four people and property destruction in excess of $200 million. October 15, 1965 - The first public burning of a draft card occurs in protest to the Vietnam War. It is ...
Crowds gathered by the 29th Street Beach in Chicago after the drowning death of Eugene Williams, an African American teenager who had crossed an imaginary boundary in the water separating blacks from whites, on July 27, 1919. This ignited the start of the Chicago Race Riots. ...
History of New York City 纽约市历史 HistoryofNewYorkCity By:刘进 CONTENT BriefIntroduction NativeAmericansettlement EuropeansettlementModernhistory Overview 1NativeAmericansettlement 2Europeansettlement 2.1Britishandrevolution:1664–17832.2AmericanRevolution2.3FederalandearlyAmerica:1784–1854 3Modernhistory 3.1...
For those thinking back on the events of 1968, the name has just one meaning. Beyond the race riots, beyond the stockyards , Chicago references a tragedy very much akin to what happened at Columbia . Antiwar protesters went to Chicago that August to demonstrate outside the Democratic ...
Professor, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester. Auhtor ofRace, Nature and Culture: An Anthropological ApproachandRace and Ethnicity in Latin America. Peter Wade, Audrey Smedley Professor of Anthropology, Virginia Commonwealth University. Author ofRace in North America: Origin and...