He does not back down.Some believe he took his plain speaking too far this week before leaving the Philippines for a summit in Laos.Reporters asked how Duterte intended to answer President Obama's concerns over the more than 1,300 drug suspects killed over the past two months in Duterte's...
The current president of the Philippines is Rodrigo Duterte, elected June 30, 2016. Population The Philippines has a population of more than 100 million people and with an annual growth rate of around 2 percent, it is one of the most populous and fastest growing countries on Earth. Ethnically...
Keeping the family intact as part of Philippines people culture is the fact that it is still being practiced today (which may be a bit feudal in nature) in many provinces and rural areas that only the father (tatay) of the house works outside while mothers (nanay) stay at home taking c...
Directions:Eachofthequestionsorincompletestatementsbelowisfollowedbyfivesuggested answersorcompletions.Selecttheonethatisbestineachcase,andwriteyouranswerneatly ontheanswersheet. 1.TheCompromiseof1820averted4.DuringtheSecondNewDeal,President sectionalconflictbyFranklinD.Roosevelt ...
-1569Beginning of the Galleon's trade (1569 - 1815) between China and Mexico. Manila is the hub of this trade of Mexican silver coins and Chinese silk, porcelain objects, pearls and spices. June 241571Manila is proclaimed capital of the Philippines. Intramuros is the fortified part of town....
Senated President Manuel L. Quezon founded the Philippines Herald to present viewpoint of Filipinos to fight for independence. In August 1920, staff members of the former Manila Times such as Narciso Ramos, Antonio Escoda, Bernardo Garcia and Jose P. Bautista joined the Herarld. It was also ...
In March 1861 Abraham Lincoln took the office of president. He realized that by making the war a battle against slavery, he could win support for the Union at home and abroad・ On January 1, 1863, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which granted freedom to all slaves. 11. Will...
Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, President, Islamic Research Foundation International Muhammad Ali was born on January 17, 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky. He became a legendary boxer by virtue of becoming the first and only three-time lineal World Heavyweight Boxing Champion. ...
1901Emilio Aguinaldo, leader of insurgents, was captured. 1902Insurrection against the US ended 1907A Philippine assembly was inaugurated. 1935The Filipinos voted to accept a new constitution and formed the Commonwealth of the Philippines with Manuel Quezon y Molina as its president. The US remained...
History of the Philippines - World War II: Japanese aggression in China prompted much attention to military preparedness. Nearly one-fourth of the national budget was devoted to defense. Gen. Douglas MacArthur, retiring as army chief of staff in Washingt