We use an app that is designed to take the history of present illness from patients in general practice. The app covers the most common complaints in general practice. General practice touches on almost all medical specialties which entails that a respective tool must cover this broad and compreh...
Queen VictoriaofEngland, had been present at her birth in the Tapestry Room at Windsor Castle in England. Philip’s father, Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark, had been born in Athens, Greece. The two married in 1903 in Germany, the native country of Princess Alice’s parents...
Should patients with the flu- or mono-like illness of primary (acute) HIV infection be treated? ART treatment should be offered on the same day of diagnosis regardless of how long the patient may have had HIV. People with acute HIV mono-like illness have high levels of virus in their blo...
The leading cause of death is heart disease. Automobile accidents are the fifth leading cause of death. The infectious diseases usually associated with a tropical climate are not present. Influenza has been the leading cause of illness, followed by gastroenteritis. There are health centers with ...
ACMI - An acronym for the Art & Craft Materials Institute. acquisitions - In museums, objects acquired for the museum through gift, bequest, field expedition, or purchase. Also see registrar. acrolith - An ancient Greek sculpture in which the head and arms and feet were made of marble or ...
His fleet, initially consisting of three vessels, was reduced to one by the time it reached Penang, largely due to the ravages of scurvy (an illness caused by vitamin C deficiency) and the loss of ships during the journey. The EncounterThe first recorded interaction between Lancaster’s crew...
Note the hieroglyphics on a tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt. Text as Pictures - Hand Drawn Over time, the written word developed into symbols which looked more like present-day text. The very first text art pictures were drawn by hand. Creative people used ornamental penman...
The concern regarding this new viral strain “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2” (acronym SARS-CoV-2) and diseases it causes (COVID-19) is well deserved at all levels. The incidence of COVID-19 infection and infectious patients are increasing at a high rate. Coronaviruses (Co...
theConvention on the Rights of the Child(1989), which affirms the right of all children to “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for thetreatmentof illness and rehabilitation of health.” UNICEF’s activities are financed by both government and private ...