Neville Chamberlain, prime minister of the United Kingdom from May 28, 1937, to May 10, 1940, whose name is identified with the policy of ‘appeasement’ toward Adolf Hitler’s Germany in the period immediately preceding World War II. Learn more about Ch
Was Neville Chamberlain really the failure portrayed by history?MICHAEL MCCARTHY
1939年4月1日,全世界的报纸都登载出下述的新闻:英国张伯伦(Nevillechamberlain)内阁,正在改变其绥靖和孤立政策,并以维持欧洲和平为目的,已向波兰提出保证,将保卫该国以对抗任何来自德国方面的威胁。 但是9月1日,希特勒已越过波兰国界前进。两天以后,经要求其撤兵无效后,英法两国也就参战了。另一次欧洲大战已经发动—...
Accepting British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s guarantee of March 1939 and turning it into a full-fledged alliance with Britain, Warsaw rejected German demands. On September 1, 1939, Hitler, having secured Soviet cooperation through the German-Soviet (Molotov-Ribbentrop) Nonaggression Pact a...
He was the father by different marriages of the politician Sir Austen Chamberlain and of the Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. Huguenot.Chamberlain was a Huguenot name, brought to London from Paris in 1569. Peter Chamberlen and his sons were “barber surgeons,” practitioners in midwifery. They...
Reluctant to fight another war, the British government, led by Neville Chamberlain, followed a policy of appeasement. However, Hitler invaded Poland on September 1,1939. Britain and France were forced to declare war on Germany on September 3,1939. The next year Chamberlain resigned and Winston ...
Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom presented the Victoria Cross award for the first time at Hyde Park, London, England, United Kingdom. [London, England | CPC]18 Mar 1869 United Kingdom Neville Chamberlain was born in Birmingham, England, United Kingdom. [Neville Chamberlain | Birmingham...
(1) Neville Chamberlain, statement issued to the media (1st April, 1939) As the House is away, certain consultations are now proceeding with other Governments. To make perfectly clear the position of the Government in the meantime before those consultations are concluded, I now have to inform ...
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George ___ Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement towards Germany and Italy. When Chamberlain resigned in May 1940, the king wished to ___ him with Lord Halifax, but was persuaded to accept Winston Churchill, whose wartime ___ he then supported unreservedly. AHLBOPart ...