Note on Military and Naval Terminology In 1914 a full-strength infantry division in the German army comprised 17,500 officers and men, 72 artillery pieces, and 24 machine guns; in the French army 15,000 officers and men, 36 artillery pieces, and 24 machine guns; in the British army 18,...
Apart from a few small things, mostly cosmetic to do with naval terminology and weaponry, which gave me no pause to doubt the overall narrative, there were no speed bumps. A highly detailed coverage of the trial of the pirates takes up part two of the book, offering day by day narrative...
The contemporary language relies on an enormous number of words and terms that are Sino-Japanese in origin as well as words derived from indigenous Japanese terminology. Most written characters can be read in contemporary Japanese with both a Sino-Japanese pronunciation and a Japanese reading. In...
For the sake of clarity I shall enounce, from the outset, the meaning I give to the expression “history of mathematization”:...
Home, Carlos Mirabelli, and Kai Mugge, and critiques of terminology in parapsychology and the concept of super-psi. He writes in the preface: “The title of this collection, Dangerous Pursuits, is a wry allusion to my obstacle-strewn career path over the past several decades—to the ...
(The document was later retranslated by a Naval officer who updated its Navy-related terminology.) The documents were critical to of the Battle of the Philippine Sea, which used the plans to deal a decisive defeat to the Japanese navy. “The defeat was a blow from which Japan never ...
1943 US Army WWII British Military Terminology 218 1943 US Army WWII Engineer Field Manual Engineer Troops 308p 1943 US Army WWII Generating Unit M7 179p 1943 US Army WWII German Antiaircraft Artillery 119p 1943 US Army WWII German Coastal Defenses 99p 1943 US Army WWII German Doctrine Of ...
Following initial consideration of questions of definition and terminology, poetry collections by James Berry, John Agard, Grace Nichols and Valerie Bloom are discussed, with a focus on the interplay and creative tension...DOI: 10.2307/1847774 ...
60 times the cost of the actual voyage. This voyage generated a great deal of excitement in Western Europe. Portugal gained control of the rich spice trade of the Indian Ocean by overpowering Muslim forts and deploying squadrons of naval ships to defeat the Arab fleets that patrolled the India...
Skeleton dialog refers to the thing above Venge as "the other Eye" and "the other one", so it would be odd for there to be multiple above Venge using that terminology. LeCheech·9/25/2023 I would say the psuedo random timing is more efficient in a gameplay sense to keep it dangerou...