... the observation. Select the focus for the observation, decide what evidence will be collected. “How will we know what students learned?” One teacher “does” the lesson in class, with the other participants in attendance as observers of the lesson and student learning Debr...
historyofthefuture 系统标签: historyfuturesurvivalistcartoonishmilitaristpournelle HistoryoftheFuture11:Cyberpunkandthe1980sThisSessionOverviewof1980sFocusonelementsfoundinGibson&CardNewtrendsinthefutureFramingof“Cyberpunk”movementIncludingearlierdepictionsofcomputerReal-worlddevelopmentsintechnologyThe1980sGlobalPolitics...
Finally, the increasing environmental risks related to plant nutrition, including biotic and abiotic stress, mainly the threat of soil salinity, are mentioned. In the 21st century, fertiliser application trends should be shifted to local application, precise farming, and nanotechnology; amended with ...