In a world controlled by men and where women are thought to belong to the kitchen, Thatcher struggles to break through the barriers of sex to win a seat in Parliament(国会). Not only does she struggle with her sex, but being the daughter of a simple shopkeeper, she struggles with class...
Trophic and benthic responses to no-take marine reserve protection in the Philippines No-take marine reserves are expected to enhance coral reef resilience indirectly through suppression of algal growth and thus maintenance of coral dominanc... B Stockwell,CRL Jadloc,RA Abesamis,... - 《Marine ...
In the Philippines, a program sponsored by Churches and hospitals reports the growing popularity of voluntary sterilisation since the criminal penalties against it have been removed.60 1977 The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong launches a TV campaign to encourage men to “do their bit”. the...
However, there are more than 700 other languages in active use throughout the archipelago, and few Indonesians speak the national language as their mother tongue. Javanese is the most popular first language, boasting 84 million speakers. It is followed by Sundanese and Madurese, with 34 and ...
As prescribed by the mandatory State education standards, pupils in general education schools take a course of civic/legal subjects: in the junior classes - “Mother tongue” and “Knowledge of the world”; in the senior classes - “History” (51 hours a year), “History of Kazakhstan” (...
Prior to the Allied invasion of France, she also starred in a radio play, called “Vision of Invasion,” as an American mother whose son needlessly drowns during the attack. Like a lot of propaganda, Gillars’ radio shows rarely had their desired effect—many GI’s only listened because ...
In respect of point (o) above, Professor LEE Wing-on, member of the Working Group, briefed the meeting that many educational reports,dating backto1935, repeatedly suggested the merits of mother-tongue teaching. ...
As much as 20 percent of the workforce is foreign, many from Indonesia and the Philippines, and dominate sectors such as construction work and domestic service. Social Stratification Classes and Castes. Class position in Malaysia depends on a combination of political connections, specialized skills...
At the end of the 16th Century, mother-tongue English speakers numbered just 5-7 million, almost all of them in the British Isles; over the next 350 years, this increased almost 50-fold, 80% of them living outside of Britain. At the height of the British Empire (in the late 19th ...
It was possible that Negritos occupied the whole of Sundaland in the late Paleolithic Age. Therefore, these populations might move directly from the Philippines to Taiwan and Ryukyu. The only problem is that no haplogroup D has been found in the Negritos in the Philippines. Their paternal ...