The history of pregnancy, miscarriage and childbirth; Eugenics; the history of "monsters"; ideas about how to produce beautiful babies; social hygiene; mass abortion of the genetically compromised; the discovery of genetics and their impact on the unborn; The history of obstetrics/midwifery/maternal...
NURSING HISTORY IN NIGERIA Labels: NURSING According to Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (2005) , the detailed history of a profession that combines...
Public health has since greatly improved, and the spread of infectious diseases has been brought under control. Energetic promotion of new midwifery methods significantly reduced the rate of infant mortality, and the population began increasing. Education Education was introduced after 1949, mainly ...
Daur, Mongol people living mainly in the eastern portion of Inner Mongolia autonomous region and western Heilongjiang province of China and estimated in the early 21st century to number more than 132,000. They are one of the official ethnic minorities of China. Their language, which varies widely...